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Over 90 days ago
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This was written for you...and you know who you are...:)

I sit in a chat room by myself, Only nineteen more days to go, One day I’ll be a legend, With another badge to show. Next I’ll try to add some friends, I only need ninety-eight more, I might have to do some recruiting, Perhaps go door to door. I’d really like my story to be famous, But I’m more than a few views shy, Maybe if I click on it every day, It will be famous before I die. I should have my Enthusiasts badge, I tho...

The Next Celebrant Might Be You

Dedicated to all the members of the of luck to all in the coming year...:)

Stories Space celebrates its first year,Congrats to Lisa and her crew,But it’s the members of the site,Who have reasons to celebrate too.Miss Sprite took first place in a contest,And Xuani won money as well,Lady Sharon sold a couple of stories, And so did Miss Clarabelle.DirtyMartini got a story in Bare Back,Which he thought was really cool,But he’s not the only one around here,For so did Don Abdul.Cowgirl sold stories to...

Maria's Chance To Celebrate

Whoever said girls like her never amounted to anything never met Maria...or her daughter Rose...

Maria would never amount to anything. Girls like her never did. It wasn’t like she really had any choices, that’s just the way things were and everybody with any sense knew it. To think otherwise would be mere folly. Girls in her part of town never amounted to anything. The best she could hope for was to find a good husband some day, and hopefully escape the welfare system life she knew all too well. Growing up in a third...

If It's Worth Reading, You'll Find It Here.

Can't imagine what inspired this one...Happy Birthday Stories Space...:)

In the mood for something to read?Then of my advice you best take heed.If it’s worth reading, you’ll find it here,On a site that’s celebrating its very first year. Looking for adventure that packs a thrill?Or a crime drama that ends in a kill?You can find a romance about a heated affair,Or a horror story guaranteed to scare. Supernatural stories if you’re so inclined,Musings that will exercise your mind,Science fiction fr...

A Pressing Problem On Stories Space

Just addressing a pressing problem here on Stories Space...hate to mention names...:)

It seems the Rascal’s head’s in a swell,Of this fact none could dispel,Her boasting that she’s always correct,Is just a phase, I would suspect,Though to be certain only time will tell. Risking the harmony of this peaceful site,By going around boasting she’s always right,So, in the meantime we’ll let her be,And when she talks, we’ll just agree,Than try to correct her and risk a fight. And where this thing should be put to...

I Thank You

Another love poem from last year I managed to dig up...nothing special...

I thank you for letting me love you, I thank you for letting me know your arms, Your gentle touch, your delicate charms, Your special smile you give to me, For all the love you give for free, For being there to understand, For letting me hold your hand, For making me feel I’m the one, You want to be with when the day is done, For showing me how much you care, For when I need you, just being there, I thank you for letting...

The Birthday Party

An aging woman throws a birthday party for her husband...

She did this every year, so the call came as no surprise. In fact, I had been expecting it for the last few days. The only surprise was that it took so long. I was sitting with my wife having our coffee after dinner when the phone rang. As I got up to answer, my wife gave me a knowing glance but did not say a word. It was as if we both knew instinctively. “Hello.” I started into the phone, “Oh, hi Mom. Yeah, I’d been expe...

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Not sure what to say here, so I'll just let the words speak for themselves...

Don’t tell me that you need me, And I’m the best you’ve found, Because if you really needed me, You at least would come around. Don’t talk to me on the phone, Saying words I want to hear, And giving me more excuses, Why you can’t be with me here. Don’t tell me that you love me, And how much you really care, But when I really need you, I can’t find you anywhere. Actions speak louder than words, And for all your fancy talk,...

Steal This Poem

Go ahead...make my day...

You probably were a bully, Who never did well in school, Stole other kid’s lunch money, And thought it was really cool. And now you’ve moved on, To stealing other’s work and time, All without a hint of remorse, As if it’s not even a real crime. I’d like to think people like you, Deserve a special place in Hell, For when you steal an author’s work, You steal a piece of them as well. So now I’m going to dare you, To try and...

Paris Will Never Be The Same

Paris will never be the same...Where is Paris anyway?

I returned to Paris as in days gone by, Now that I’m here, I’m not sure why, For the city that once felt like home, Is a joyless place when you’re alone. I can’t help but recall the older days, Of sipping wine in corner cafes, Romantic dinners by candle light, That lasted well into the night. The walks along the river Seine, Huddled together against the rain, Hand in hand we’d stroll the street, Stealing kisses, so discre...


An idea I've had for a while...dedicated to one of the kindest, most thoughtful men I've ever met...

An honest man who worked real hard, And did his best throughout his life, To clothe and feed his proud family, His four children and his wife. Born in the early twentieth century, He knew that times were often tough, But he always did whatever it took, To ensure his family had enough. A gentle man who spoke with kindness, And ungraciousness was never heard, Who still believed in God and family, And knew the value of a man...

Happiness And Purpose

First poem of the month...damn, I'm slacking...

Is happiness something far out of reach? Something for which we must strive. Like some far off destination, Where we hope someday to arrive. Or is happiness just a commodity? Something that can be bought, Or is happiness something we all can learn? Something that must be taught. Is our happiness in short supply? That may someday come to an end, Or is there enough to go around? That we can share it with a friend. There are...

The Facebook Poem

Admit knew this had to be coming...

I’d heard about social networking,And how it was the next big thing,So I just had to take a look,And ended up on Facebook.It only took me a little while,To fill out most of my profile,But I have spent many a night,Figuring out the rest of the site.I never realized I had so many friends,The friend requests never end,All the people I can’t stand at work,And now the biggest high school jerk.I have to admit I’ve learned a bun...

The Jerk At Work

Just another poem...this one was inspired by another member's status thingy...

My job I really don’t mind, It’s the people and the work, Especially the guy next to me, Who personifies the word “jerk.” I wish he would do something, Anything to earn his pay, Instead he just gets on my nerves, And my nerves are starting to fray. This jerk is looking for a better job, And keeps asking me for advice, Do I look like a Google search bar? But instead I just try to be nice. He actually asked me for a referra...

When Friends Betray Friends

And yet another poem...who would have guessed?

When friends betray friends,With words less than kind, It tears apart the friendship, And all the ties that bind. When friends betray friends, It hurts you to the core. All the trust and love, It all goes out the door. Like an ice cold sword, That tears through your heart, When friends betray friends, It will tear your soul apart. All the love and friendship, Built up from the ground, When friends betray friends, It all c...