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Tease Stories


On weekends I used to go into townto shoot in black and white.People strolling, kids running free,dogs or cars or any funny thing.The woman with the camera. Now I just shoot ghosts alongthe plague scoured streetsand empty parking lots,lucky for a distant shot of lifein the few unshutter shops. Sitting on a sunny bench,having coffee and a smoke,it's like she's been waiting for meto come around the cornerand capture her sol...

The Tease

I like to tease....

I like to tease I don't aim to please. I think it's fun If you look, I've won! A flash of "this" there A glimpse of white underwear. I'm providing a show Where it leads? Sure I know. Not to the bed But rather, to the head! Where you will think of me When your wife thinks it is her, you see. Some say it's not nice. That it has a price. They say I need love and angels singing from above. But that's boring, I sigh So dull, I...