I used to work as a university bio science archivist, but gave up my position in 2019. Now I am a wandering photographer and occasional author, mostly on the sister site. I am unattached, socially withdrawn, and live with a cat named Miss Pixel.
Interests Wildlife photography, CA horticulture, writing, craft beer
Favorite Authors Richard Dawkins, Douglas Adams, Lewis Carrol, Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain, Kurt Vonnegut, Philip K. Dick, Borges, et al
Favorite Movies Seldom watch them
Favorite TV Shows Never had a TV growing up, don't have one now.
Favorite Music Any blues, but especially Stevie Ray Vaughn, Johnny Lee, Freddie King, Anna Popovich, Shemekia Copeland, Bonnie Raitt... okay, it's a long list. My father was in the biz and I started going to blues shows when I was ten, much to my mother's horror.