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Motivation Stories


My stepfather

Such two speeches cannot wait: I LOVE YOU and I AM SORRY. Elsewise...

When I was only six and my younger brother was two, our father passed away. Since then, my mother and we were dependent upon each other. Our days were difficult. My mother had to work very hard to keep our family together. The income was just enough to cover basic expenses. Until one day, my mother ushered a man into our home. She asked us to call him - FATHER. No, he was just our stepfather. I was nine that year. My step...


Wander Around The World

The more we want, the more it will become a burden to us at the end of the day.

 A young monk was supposed to wander around the world but, he postponed the departure date again and again. The abbot waited impatiently, ‘You’d supposed to start off six months ago. What’s stopping you?’ The very perturbed monk sighed, ‘It is a trial of a very long journey. I can’t imagine how many thousands of mountains and rivers I will have to go through. The climates, the clothes, the foods, and some others. I need t...


The illusion of life

You bawl at the deceased because he has already escaped from the human world of w...

It was said that, since Buddha had given a public education in a country. The common people all became the morals, courtesy, and thoughtfulness. They lived in harmony with the mutual love and support each other, which had made the land verily a paradise. The marvelous tidings had been spread far and wide. A pagan was named MAZE who wondered about the mighty power and high-mindedness of Buddha. He decided to pay a formal v...


The story of alms

Everything goes around, comes around.

Once upon a time, at a temple called Mercy, which was located on a mountaintop, there lived two monks. One was named AWAKEN. The other was named HAZY. At the beginning, they went out for alms every day.   Awaken went out alone later on. Hazy found that he only had gone out for a day and could make a lot of alms easily. Then, he used the alms to trade for the daily necessities. Such as the rice and flour… these were enough...


The passenger in the journey of life

A divinely brilliant life has no regret when DEATH comes along...

One day, Buddha passed a respected philanthropist's house fortuity. The master was not at home. He glanced around that sumptuous house. Everything was very cozy and grandiose. There placed a chaise longue next to the hall. The master raised some dogs. He specifically doted on one dog very much. They enjoyed each other's company always. It would be filled with joy whenever the master came home. Normally, the people were no...


The best and the last love in your entire life

Love means: You are not finding a suitable person. You be the suitable person made of love.

A very distracted man has a talk with Buddha in a temple one late night. He, ‘Enlightened Buddha, I’m a married man, but I’m frantically falling in love with another woman now. I really don’t know what to do!’ Buddha, ‘Are you sure that woman who you are falling for is the best and the last love in your entire life?’ He, ‘Yes, I’m sure.’ Buddha, ‘You divorce your present wife and marry her, then.’ He, ‘But my wife is a ki...


A damsel who had prayed for a millennium

Just for a persistence of faith, many people deplete their entire lives in the everlasting awaited.

  Once upon a time, there was a pretty, pure and versatile damsel from an aristocratic family.   She had a graceful name – Huimei. Her virtue made so many magnates queue up for marriage proposals. She deeply believed her prince charming was on the way. Hence, she turned them all down.   Huimei had a glimpse of a young man at a very crowded fete one day. Thought Huimei to herself, he was the one that she had waited for a v...


A very ill-tempered woman

Why should we get rage always? Why should we get rage with someone or something always?

Once upon a time, there was a very ill-tempered woman. She could rage over a silly little thing always. She understood that was wrong. She consulted a Zen Master for improvement one day.   The Zen Master led her into a room after he listened to her distress. He locked the door up and walked away without saying a word. She had lost her mind completely in a flash. She jumped and screamed for a very long time. Then, she shou...

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[ HE ] and [ SHE ]

love + love = very much love. love – love = love right back from zero. love x love = .......

  A senior professor said to the students in a class,   ‘We are going to do a survey today.’ ‘SURVEY!’ the students thought that might be more interesting than the lecture. There were only two questions on the paper when they received it. Question 1: She is a gorgeously young lady with a lovely oval face, bright-eyed, fair skin and a beautiful slender figure. He loves her very much. Unfortunately, she comes across a car a...


The Romance Of The Mutes

Love means : You are not finding a suitable person, you be the suitable person made of love.

Galaxy saw a man and a woman who communicated with the sign language at the train station, when she was on the way home one evening. She noticed that the woman asked him for the direction. He said to her that he did not know. Galaxy was the volunteer for three years when she studied in university. Also, she served in the deaf and mute school where she had learned sign language and she could practice it proficiency. Then s...


Life Is Like A Crystal Ball Of Fortune

All I want to live in real for once, not just to exist!

Life is like a crystal ball of fortune.When it falls into pieces,the people try to grab it.Someone grab it more,someone grab it less,someone grab it none.Dear friend, how much have you grabbed yet? ---------------------------------------------------------- The crystal ball of fortune is a metaphor. Fortune / Happiness will never come of nothing. I always believe if we want to have it, first of all, we have to give, strive...


The Will Of HEAVEN

Does HEAVEN truly exist? Why are there so many creatures suffering in the secular world?

All creatures are the will of HEAVEN. It started from the ancient time to elongate till now. How much can the earthling gain or lose? HEAVEN commands it all. Does HEAVEN truly understand all kinds of distress? Why does HE not to guide the earthling? Why do the ordinary people never obtain the basic request? We are merely a simpleton or a dreamer. Why does HE not let us move a half step further? Can HE show us a tiny mercy...


So, you are very wealthy

I always believe if everyone does a bit good deed, bit by bit, we can make a harmonious world.

  A young man muttered at his bad luck and penniless situation.   He frowned all the days. A wise senior came across to talk to him, ‘Hey kiddy, why are you so unhappy?’ ‘I don’t understand why I’m so poor always!’ he said. ‘Poor ? I think you are very wealthy!’ the wise senior said sincerely. The young man was puzzled,  ‘Why are you talking like that?’ the wise senior asked. ‘Suppose someone offers you one thousand dolla...


The tales of a little boy and a little girl and the flowers

Love is shown in your deed, it is not just shown in your words. Love is something you do, .......

Tale 1 A little boy was fond of a little girl who was studying next class. They lived in a beautiful small town. Then, the little boy picked the wildflowers on the roadside for the little girl after school every day. The little girl was very glad to have the gift. She always showed a lovely smile on her face when the little boy handed her the flowers. He always blushed with a chuckle, whenever he saw her lovely smiling fa...


I got a name

Try to seek for the success, never find an excuse for the failure !

Everyone has his own name.The name is also his registered label!And how many people will protect it seriously?No matter the one is SOMEBODY or NOBODY!They still have their own reputation!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Try to seek for the success, never find an excuse for the failure!