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Sky Stories


Sky and Earth

The forces of nature come alive to decimate a town.

It was always raining, maybe it didn't use to, but now, it was.Heavy rains, that drowned the ground and turned the mountain side to a slippery slope of mud. Cold rains that chilled the body faster than the snow. Rain that flooded the streets and made driving impossible, let alone walking. It wasn't smart to be out in the rain right now, or for the past few months actually and it was surprising that the town hadn’t gone un...

Celestial Siblings

A poem I wrote for my nephew...

The starless Sky prepares for a celebration;Gathering the Clouds, her children - with boundless jubilation.She paints them all in black and grey;And lets them all, have fun and play.Of them, the 'Gentle'; they dance a Heavenly dance;But the 'Fierce'; they just wrestle with their mighty hands.That's when I crash the party, pure and blinding white;Turning the night into disco day, flashing and burning bright.I strike and si...

Another day has come to life. The sun has risen into the sky. Do you feel the joy in the air? Do you see the beauty? There are angels in our lives. There are people we fail to recognize. But, for today, let us remember the good, And let us forget the pain. Let us stand together, Side by side, under the bright sunlight. Let us share the moment Together for the rest of our lives. The sun sets behind the mountain peaks, And...


Flying and Falling

I can't remember why I wanted to fly,it seemed like I could do anything I try.Once upon a time the dream seemed real,but dreams all end and fate is sealedThe earth seemed so hard and dark,I wanted to be free, to escape it like the lark.To see the clouds and float along,to hear the world play a different song.To be a place where the light surrounds,to be somewhere that was not the ground.But the sky was scary and newand un...

Morning sky cloaked in grey Warmth not felt from the start Like a mind in disarray Feelings cold in the heart Psyche constrained gone astray Sun's warmth blocked Just like an errant soul In darkness locked Unable to view the whole Has the sun vanished There behind the grey Has heart been banished To spend eternity in dismay We know the sun is there Even though we cannot see So is the heart but lacking flare Beating in our...

Let your love soar,flying to the clouds unfettered.Let the passion insidecontrol you.Love me alwaysbody, mind and spirit.The two are one,in all things, we loveeach other.Your very beingreflects me,and I, you.We are the same.To the sky we rise,above the clouds.Gliding on the currentsthat led us to each other.Sail with me to the stars,let us make themour lofty perchStay with me, my lover.Promise me your eternity.Make your v...

She spent all evening carefully sorting out the pieces. Border pieces went in one pile, sky blue in another, darker pieces in a third. Afterwards, content with her progress, she crawled into bed, clutching Rabbit, her one remainder of childhood, to her chest, and drifted off into an uneasy sleep. In the other room, the jigsaw shifted, pieces inching slowly from one pile to the next, intermingling, sometimes forming new pi...