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Puzzle Stories


Fingernails diving deep, into the flannel green. Picking up the puzzle piece, the one we’ve never seen. Feeling the rough edges, cardboard corrugated. The colors and shapes match, much anticipated. Adjoining touch, press. Angles instantly click. The image becomes clear, our own bailiwick. Blind-sighted so many times, dreams perhaps our foes. Being in the moment now, fears and worries, dispose. A bird's eye view of decades...

Gidealis Enigma Chapter 39

Old diary and new love, enough to ignite both mind and heart!

Chapter 39 The Lost Diary “If you could do it on Earth, you can do it anywhere.” He answers a bit too loud for our leader’s liking. “Is there anything you’d like to add, Izumrud?” Yasen’s eyes are fixed on my newly found friend. “N-no, sir…” Stutters Zumi. I could add about my ability to track people just to distract angry Yasen from annihilating Zumi on the spot. I remove my hands from Zumi’s tentacle-tight grip, put the...

I’m turning into a puzzle piece, A chess pawn, A token. I’m being used by the player, Find out information,  Feedback ASAP. The player that controls me,  Decides my fate,  Sacrifice me for the life of another? I’m controlled by their actions,  Not one player but two,  But what happened to my free will? I’ve turned into a puzzle piece,  A chess pawn,  A token. I’ve been used by the player,  Found information,  Lost heart a...

She spent all evening carefully sorting out the pieces. Border pieces went in one pile, sky blue in another, darker pieces in a third. Afterwards, content with her progress, she crawled into bed, clutching Rabbit, her one remainder of childhood, to her chest, and drifted off into an uneasy sleep. In the other room, the jigsaw shifted, pieces inching slowly from one pile to the next, intermingling, sometimes forming new pi...