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Retribution Stories


Looking Better With Every Beer

Hoisted on one's own petard

To keep my evenings copasetic, I imbibe my usual anaestheticDraught beer may not be classy, but it’s cheapTherefore, I end most of my days, in a somewhat alcoholic hazeBefore I stumble home along the street This establishment, so necessary, the pub, my friendly sanctuaryMy nightly refuge from the daily grindWhere I commence self-degradation and blame it on inebriationUntil escorted out the door at closing time Consuming b...

A different view of death

I'm not looking forward to it, but what other choice do I have.

As he looked around all he could see, except for the long line in front of him, was a thick fog. It was certainly different from any other fog he'd seen. Instead of a damp, gray, chilly, fog, this one seemed to be warm and inviting, even cheerful with its rosy glow. Looking to his rear he saw more people joining the line in a continuous stream. Immediately behind him was a short, elderly man, dressed in nothing but what s...

Expansion of Mankind 3 When Sam and Kari returned to the planet Prime they reported to the Council that misunderstandings between the two cultures had been had been explained to the satisfaction of the Rovers, at least for now. There was still a disagreement on how to handle the problem of the rebels that were raising havoc among the colony, even going so far as burning farms and murder. The Rovers, after trying to cure t...

The Diary of Joseph Mortimer

Joseph Mortimer discovers the price of a little charity when he turns away an old woman

In June 2010 a freak fire gutted a 16th Century farmhouse in Hampshire. During the renovation following the disaster the owners found, concealed beneath the floorboards, the diary of one Joseph Mortimer; a thirty-seven year old land owner of modest holdings, who died in 1583. The details of his fate are vague and his body was never found. Below is presented the final entry. The language has been updated somewhat, but an e...