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Devils Stories


I Believe In

I believe in

I believe in night I believe in day I believe that one day with Henry I will have my wicked way. I believe in sight I believe in sound I believe at the end of a rainbow A pot of gold can be found. I believe in light I believe in dark I believe if you swim in the sea You'll get eaten by a shark. I believe in truth I believe in lies I believe that sometimes Angels Are Devils in disguise. I believe in happiness I believe in...

A different view of death

I'm not looking forward to it, but what other choice do I have.

As he looked around all he could see, except for the long line in front of him, was a thick fog. It was certainly different from any other fog he'd seen. Instead of a damp, gray, chilly, fog, this one seemed to be warm and inviting, even cheerful with its rosy glow. Looking to his rear he saw more people joining the line in a continuous stream. Immediately behind him was a short, elderly man, dressed in nothing but what s...