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Respect Stories


What Gives You The Right

My rambling thoughts...

What gives you the right to assume I’m DTF? That’s Down To… Well, you can look it up. I assure you I’m not. Perhaps after some time, some long time, and a bonding friendship built of courting and a heavy dose of flirting. Yes, I said courting. People don’t court anymore and they should, but that’s a rant for another time. What gives you the right to assume that I want to be touched? I don’t walk by you with the joy of hav...

Father Winter Treats

With a smile as large as the valley below.

As the dark clouds swirled, the forest gnomes busied themselves. For since time recorded, they have been tasked with waking Father Winter. Jimmy's task was to bring the sugary treats this year.  At first light, the ten gnomes gathered their belonging and waited for Jimmy.  Jimmy, with a smile as large as the valley below, arrived.  He was out of breath due to his running back from the humans' bakery in the valley.  With p...

S is for SenualA is for AngelG is for GoddessA is for AlwaysP is for ProudO is for Orginalyou are the one I turn toyou are my love and guide. I Sagapo You.


you are my disease with no cure

You are my disease, with no cure. A  Kansas flower, blooming in the sun. Wisps of vapors across July skies. Rarity of a Mexicali  emerald.  Lonely wolf, telling his story. Under full harvest moon, Love won and lost. Trace your steps, on prairie fields. With a dry smile, stoop for that last prairie flower. Held to one’s lips, my drug, my life. My love. You are, and always will. Be my disease, with no cure.   


happiness and wonder

First time, you conquered  and stole my heart. That day, my soul  found yours. First night, you recieved, but gave more. My heart, over filled  with love. My soul, taught to cherish and adore.    

Brightest Star

You the keeper of my internal flame that shall forever burn bright

Ever since man looked to the heavens, they have tried to understand the mysteries that surround them. To make sense of the unknown and to label the mysteries. Look to the heavens and you shall see Sirius, the brightest night star. But to me the brightest star is you.  Yes for you are my pillar and my celestial guide. My Nephi you became my Angel. When I stumble with my day to day life, I stop during the darkest part of ni...


A string of wooden beads

I always believe if everyone does a good deed, bit by bit, we can make a harmonious world.

A temple stood in the center of a huge lake, which was stretched to the horizon.   The scenery was so beautiful and peaceful. A great master and his twenty junior monks lived together and cultivated the wisdom of Buddha in harmony. Hearsay a precious string of wooden beads had been worn by Buddha, which was enshrined in the temple. They only had a small cockleboat to connect to the outside world, and no one could approach...

She came with flowers On this lush and deep pathThere was a rain showerShe had visions of the psychopathHer sister was murdered hereHer body and soul in heavenShe still cries many tearsThere's still no confessionEvery year on this dateShe brings flowers to the spotHer death was filled with hateHer body bled a lotThe psychopath escapedFrom prison that nightHer sister was killed and rapedShe died in complete frightHer body...

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Center Stage

Acceptance is the key to win the war on hate.

Love comes in many forms, more than meet the eye;Some are quite accepted, while others vilified;But who are we to judge, what we do not know?The feelings of the heart are beyond what we control;I empathize with any, who must live with the plight;To love who they wish, which is their given right;We must be more accepting and end all forms of hate;Even if with baby steps, begin today, don't wait;Open up your heart and mind;...

Words unspoken, heart aflame;Is this love or just a game? Be kind to me with all you do; Know my heart cries just for you; Look into my eyes, feel my touch; There is no other I want this much; Play no games with my mind; Treat me with respect or you will find; That one day you'll call on me; But I'll not answer 'cause I've set you free. 

The Rainbow Warrior

A commentary from a Native American viewpoint

Author’s note: Being half-Native American, I have a foot in both worlds, and though I live in one world, my Cherokee grandmother, whom I lost to cancer two years ago, instilled in me a love of my Native heritage. She shared all our stories and traditions with me when I was growing up, and took me to tribal ceremonies. My perspective is colored by everything she taught me from that world because I respected her immensely....

The Land of Legend, Teachings of My Cherokee Grandmother

This is an article I wrote for the website of my friend Trudy Silverheels, Navajo artist and writer.

The Native American tradition is one of preservation. We are many tribes and many clans, but our stories carry on our history. Some have been nearly lost and forgotten, as the young look to the future and forget the past. But these remembrances of the teachings of my Native American grandmother carry on some of the tales given to us from earlier times. This is our heritage. It is, in fact, the only thing we have left of a...

Unlikely Bonds

Trust and respect do create unlikely bonds.

Locked in silence not always badImmersed in one's thought not sad Shedding a tear can be good to doLetting the strife of living life undo Not needing to hear nary a wordSilence lets coping be less blurred Allowing new light to venture inReviving one's true beauty within Between all of nature's stunning creaturesSharing together are such special features Respect and trust are things that are earnedNot something one should...

Oh, what a world we live in,I often wonder, are we the paler twin?We pride ourselves on being superiorto all; we don't realise our inferiority. Animals, plants, insects and arachnids,We should learn from them, not flip our lids. When nothing goes our way,We don't think or pray. We simply find solutions,Often they are pollutions. Our arrogance has to end,Before the world we rend.


This was painful. But if it helps someone, then it is well worth the pain.

No. I can no longer and will no longer subjectmyself to the disrespectof being your consummate whore,your lover,your cover,your bitch who meets you on the other side of town. No, I can no longer and will no longer be downwith your abuses,your excuses, your fucking reasons why I am over hereand you are over there with her in the clear. No, I can no longer and will no longer prolongthe execution ofmy love,my feelings,my stu...