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Resolution Stories



Old poem I wrote for a friend some time ago

As rain falls from the sky So shall you from heavenly bliss Heavier, heavier the water grows The pressure becomes unbearable As thunder explodes in the sky So shall you from a furious longing Louder, louder the sonic waves boom The noise becomes unbearable As lightning erupts in the sky So shall you lash out at friends Brighter, brighter it burns along The light becomes unbearable But all storms shall pass Leaving destruc...

Astronomy of Pathos

a little dark and convoluted

Astronomy of Pathostroubled by a harvest moonmade gravid with ichorous spatterbrain matter heaped in neat pleasing elevationsfeatures arranged in a snarky implacable grinrendered in greyscaleeven before this I'd felt its gazethe weight of photons striking my facea fleeting barrage of cosmic hailtowed at high tide from my slumbernow could not bear the sightblurred as it was through eyes near blind with weepingdrew the blin...

May....Scenes 4 and 5

The story of an Australian Aboriginal

Scene 4 A month laterMay’s bed is gone and its place at right is now taken by three tables, each of slightly different size, placed end to end. These are covered by three spotless white tablecloths. Upon the center table, amidst a large array of papers, pens and a stack of manila folders there is a jug of water with a slice of lemon floating in it but no ice. Three glasses accompany the jug. Behind the tables sit Miss Whi...