As rain falls from the sky
So shall you from heavenly bliss
Heavier, heavier the water grows
The pressure becomes unbearable
As thunder explodes in the sky
So shall you from a furious longing
Louder, louder the sonic waves boom
The noise becomes unbearable
As lightning erupts in the sky
So shall you lash out at friends
Brighter, brighter it burns along
The light becomes unbearable
But all storms shall pass
Leaving destruction in their wake
Rebuild yourself
Like men rebuild structures
And carry on, carry on
Preparing for the next storm
So shall you from heavenly bliss
Heavier, heavier the water grows
The pressure becomes unbearable
As thunder explodes in the sky
So shall you from a furious longing
Louder, louder the sonic waves boom
The noise becomes unbearable
As lightning erupts in the sky
So shall you lash out at friends
Brighter, brighter it burns along
The light becomes unbearable
But all storms shall pass
Leaving destruction in their wake
Rebuild yourself
Like men rebuild structures
And carry on, carry on
Preparing for the next storm