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Over 90 days ago


I'm a poet primarily, writing in a variety of styles, on a wide variety of subjects. My poetry is evocative and elegaic, romantic and sensual. My prose and my plays have a strong historical basis and I love nothing more that recreating the distant past and taking you there on an exotic journey. Do not expect the commonplace.

Literature, history, drama, poetry, art, music and much else besides.

Favorite Books
The Leopard by Giuseppe Di Lampedusa. Perdido Street Station, Homer's Odyssey. The Mysteries of Udolfo by Ann Radcliffe. Shakespeare's The Tempest.

Favorite Authors
China Mieville, Andrea Camilleri, Christopher Marlowe. William Shakespeare. Homer. Euripides, Sophocles. Aeschylus.

Favorite Movies
Alien, The Cook the Theif, His Wife and Her Lover. Donnie Darko. Downfall. 300. Monsters vs Aliens.

Favorite Music
Baroque, Classical, Techno, Trance, Modern dance music, Rembetica, Classical Indian, Andean music, Latin music.
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Allauddin...Chapter 5

Of hymns and hunting and musical delights...

When the light of your eyes shall make pallid the mean lesser lights I pursue , And the charm of your presence shall lure me from love of the gay “thirteen two.” - Kipling.More or less in unison and more or less in tune the congregation sang,“Except the Lord build the house; their labour is but lost that build it. Except the Lord keep the city; the watchman waketh but in vain. It is but lost labour that ye rise up early,...

Allauddin....Chapter 4

Adeline's adventure in India continues.

Like a cobra which has cast its coils spiralling conch-like three times… the enchantress of the world, slender as a lotus stem, bright as a lightning flash, lies sleeping, breathing softly in and out, murmuring poems in sweet metres, humming like a drunken bee in the petals of the lotus, how brightly her light shines. - From the Sarchakra-nirupanaAdeline had retired from lunch as soon as she had eaten, making excuses that...

Sonnet On a Journey

A short love poem rediscovered after fourteen years.

  Be still O rolling waves and hear The happy telling of my love, And you frail craft that homeward steer, Let go the driving winds above! Now all you brethren of the sea, Stay a while and follow me For what I tell is true and wise, It cleaves even stone asunder! Love is the light that tints the skies, Truth is love’s glorious thunder. And though the deluge rises high, It cannot drown a lover’s heart. Now to my love I swi...