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Reminiscing Stories


Hey Friend

I'm missing the good parts of a bad friend, and I fear they're gone for good ~cheese on bread

Hey, listen friend, I get it. I do understand where you are coming from, how you feel, and what you are trying to accomplish. I'm in the same place as you, it's dark and intimidating; lonely. You miss a friend you once had, maybe they weren't the best of friends, maybe they drive you up the wall but still you did care about them. You still care about them and even still you want to undo mistakes made. I have made mistakes...

The phone call mentioned here really took place Sitting here one summer night and staring at the blinds after having hung up the phone. Thinking of the call from an old friend who had a question as the conversation turned to music and concerts we saw, and hearing him confess after a moment of silence that the first and last one that he saw was back in 1977.When we both went in his old Ford LTD, down I-10 to go and see the...

Rambling and Reminiscing

Just remembering some stuff

What is the point of a second hand hat? That, I fear, is a misnomer. Should it not be second head? After all, one wears a hat on the head, so that terminology seems bonkers, to me, at least. Shoes are another thing. They should be third and fourth foot. Gloves should be second and fourth hand. Or am I just being overly obtuse?It boggles the mind, all those weird misnomers. It actually feels like the word “misnomer” is a m...

Reminiscensces and looking forwards

It's been a hard year so far.

Death. This has been a year of it. Between people that I know and people that I don’t and the deaths of relationships, it’s just too hard to take sometimes. Today (4th October 2012) is the fourteenth anniversary of my gran’s death. I visited her grave today with my mum and laid flowers. We couldn’t stay long because my brother had taken ill at school, but we did lay some flowers and say hello. It’s funny, isn’t it? We sti...