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Rambles Stories


Anxiety Girl!

Able to jump to the worst conclusion in a single bound!

Someone, somewhere, asked, "What is anxiety to you?" These were my thoughts.To me, a small snapshot of anxiety is... Catastrophising. Conflict. Crisis. Delusion. Doubt. Fear. Insecurity. Overthinking. Paralysis. Stress. Worry. It's never been the way others seemed to describe it, and with no clear ignition... no blazing flames consuming me in an attack, I was long ignorant to my affliction. To me, it's a slow burn, and th...

The darkness The silence The breeze next to my ears I let go of my fears My eyes can see My eyes are a leaky sea Of salty tears Looking for a Moses, to part my sea No fish Just my fish Oh, how I can be selfish To get my wish The people I have ripped apart, my soul I've ripped apart Left with no one but myself in this damn apartment Stressed, working alone overtime in this department I cannot relate; I am not familiar Have...


Not a story, not a poem, just a sappy ramble.

I have forever been a dreamer, and so, I admit, I idealise love in a lot of ways.Sure, I've been hurt, although I prefer not to acknowledge the potentialities, it's almost a certainty that lies in us all. Some instances remain only as distant memories, perhaps only surfacing when songs a once-beloved was fond of grace the airwaves, stilling my heart to ache to the faint beat of nostalgia's echo. Fresher burns may linger,...


Just some thoughts. Stroking my beard and all that.

Magnetism. It really is inexplicable. I seem to be drawn to the word "inexplicable". It's a good word. Being drawn, magnetised, to someone is a funny thing. One day, you could be walking down the street minding your own affairs, like Alex Harvey sang, and then, unlike Alex Harvey sang, someone catches your eye. It might only be momentary, but you feel drawn to that person. Then there's the Internet attraction, which. even...