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Peaceful Stories


After the Rain

For those who love the rain

It’s raining outside, I can see through the living room window. With my eyes closed, I imagined how it would feel on my skin so cool and refreshingmaking me feel clean again after it washed away all my worries and fears. As I’m watching the rain fall hard in places and the rain pounding on the windowmaking everything look dreary.  I am amazed to see how gentle the rain falls onthe most fragile of flowers quenching their t...


The story of a blind and a lantern

The earth is getting very sick day by day. But, the human minds are thousand times sicker !.......

 An ascetic came from a long journey to an obscure village on a gloomy night.  There were some villagers continuously walking to and fro in the streets. When the ascetic walked into an alley, he saw a dim yellow light approaching quietly from the deep end of the alleyway. A villager said, ‘The blind is coming!’ THE BLIND! The ascetic wondered. He asked someone nearby, ‘Is that person carrying a lantern really blind?’ The...

It’s a warm August night, a breeze wafts through the air, trees smoothly swaying in the wind’s gentle might, a billion points of wonder glow as if only for me, while the moon shines on in ever bright, the steady rhythm of oceans washes at my feet, here and now, so much is right

I look out  from the top of the roof  Eating Ice cream  Watching the sun set  Wondering What to do  With My life My thoughts are  Interrupted By the birds Flying by And I realize  That as long  As I have my  Peace of mind I will be all right