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Over 90 days ago


Hi There!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Soleil_Rouge. I'm new here and been introduced to this site by my trusted friend and mentor. I Love writing and he thought this would be the ideal place for me to express that.

I love to do many things from photography to reading, writing is my Passion....I Love Words and sometimes I do have fun with word play and/ or puns :) Considering that I'm a student I can add studying to that list lol . I love being outdoors enjoying nature taking pictures of sunsets and water as one of my favorite things to do. Music is also one my biggest loves.

Favorite Books
There are soooooooooo Many Books with so little time. I loves mysteries but I will generally read whatever I can get my hands on.

Favorite Authors
I have a variety of favorites from Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King, Kay Hooper, Jeffrey Archer, Dan Brown, Dean Koontz, Sandra Brown, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, and my favorite poet William Wordsworth just to name a few.

Favorite Movies
Highlander, The Day After Tomorrow, The Thomas Crown Affair, Dracula (1979 version), Dracula the Untold Story, Valley Girl, The Maltese Falcon, Entrapment, Wonder Woman, The Avengers, Antman, Thor: Ranorak, any movies with music into it

Favorite TV Shows
I'm lucky enough to catch the tail end of any show, and I am always fortunate enough to catch a full commercial. Some I may add is pretty catchy :)

Favorite Music
I Love pretty near anything except hip hop, rap and some heavy metal.
My Number 1 All Time Favorite Group is Queen.
I am a Rock Chick at Heart :)
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Its time to relax

Today I’m tiredI would love to close my eyesSlowly.Falling into a deepDreamless sleepWithout the help of counting sheep. I wish I was in bedLying down being motionlessHaving all thoughts and emotionsLeave my mind and bodyPure totalRELAXATION.

After the Rain

For those who love the rain

It’s raining outside, I can see through the living room window. With my eyes closed, I imagined how it would feel on my skin so cool and refreshingmaking me feel clean again after it washed away all my worries and fears. As I’m watching the rain fall hard in places and the rain pounding on the windowmaking everything look dreary.  I am amazed to see how gentle the rain falls onthe most fragile of flowers quenching their t...

My Walk

Nature at it's best

I love going for walks in my hometown. It’s a very small town, but its natural beautyis unbelievable. Words cannot do it justice. There is one particular nature trail thatI do enjoy taking whenever I get the chance.  It starts at the Horsebrook Trailer Parkand Campground that is located almost at the end of town, and it leads to a long dirt road.  During my walks one of the things I have noticed is the smell of the trees;...