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Nostalgic Stories


my friend paul

a visit from an old friend

Within my family there has always been a constant tie on my mother’s side. Since as far back as we can recall we have been very in tune with spirits and could sense and sometimes see the spirit world. It is because of this that we all have had our share of negative and positive experiences. From my earliest days I have memories of spirits, of creatures, and of the air around me growing still and foreign. However just as I...

Talk's Cheap

A conversation between two people, one deaf the other mute.

Hello all. I'm trying something out here. It's an 'internal musing.' I think it's called? Most of my stories so far here have been about nostalgic-look-backs, so I thought who better to ref nostalgia, than an old person? So I wrote a first draft and sent it in pm to a good friend, who's a critic, who ran over it with a wagon, reversed back over it, then ran it over again just to make sure! I must admit on reflection, it w...

One Door Closes . . .

The first steps taken to get out of a love-less marriage

One Door Closes. . . I spent the last six months in my failure-of-a-marriage, tying up loose ends. Divesting myself of all that I'd gained in twenty years. We all accumulate things, to keep under the banner of, “what-if ?” We'd had all our hurtful arguments. Each trying to score points off each other like a weird new X-box game. Except as far as I was concerned this was no game I ever wanted to play again. I was played ou...


I used to take my kids to the fair every weekend.

Bingo-Lingo “ Come-on-now-ladees-n-gents, one-or-two-more-players-before-we-start. Up-down-side-to-side-corner-to-corner-your-four-corners. Slope-to-the-left, slope-to-the-right. Take-a-seat, rest-your-feet, and-have-a-game-of-Bingo!” Toddlers in tow, holding hands, hours to kill, fairground bound. Beach to splash, gulls will cry, chips on knees, cherry pops. Swing and slide, 'Venture Park, “ingo, Dad,” Bingo calls. Hands...

My Beach

A walk along the shore-line of my youth

This one is in this format, because if I put it in the line by line way, it would be huge. I did this as an homage to the beach, within walking distance of where I lived, all of my life. Because it's a British Beach, there may be ref's you won't get? If this is so then feel free to ask. Resp,Bri. My Beach The sound of the water gaining and receding, the beach, my beach, beckoning it seems. Stand at the shoreside watching...

Thirty Forever

I remember . . .

Thirty Forever Back when I was in my thirties, after a particularly heavy snow-storm, I noticed the school-kids having snowball fights every day as they walked by my house on their way to school. I decided to have a little fun with them. I hid behind the hedgerow in my front garden. After stock-piling snowballs ready for the attack, the kids eventually started drifting past, in their two's and three's. I started throwing,...