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Happines Stories


The best and the last love in your entire life

Love means: You are not finding a suitable person. You be the suitable person made of love.

A very distracted man has a talk with Buddha in a temple one late night. He, ‘Enlightened Buddha, I’m a married man, but I’m frantically falling in love with another woman now. I really don’t know what to do!’ Buddha, ‘Are you sure that woman who you are falling for is the best and the last love in your entire life?’ He, ‘Yes, I’m sure.’ Buddha, ‘You divorce your present wife and marry her, then.’ He, ‘But my wife is a ki...

Fly Away With Me

I want to come back as a butterfly.

If I should die, I want to become a butterfly. To flutter from flower to flower On gossamer wings using wind power. I land on a branch of a big oak tree, Waiting for the wind to set me free. I see a child in the wood walking, I drop on down and start talking. She looks up at me with a smile, I say fly away with me for a while. She spreads her wings following me, We fly so high and look at what we see. We fly for miles hol...

My First Kiss

Everyone remembers their first kiss, but do you really?

I have a granddaughter who will be thirteen this year. We were sitting at her kitchen table the other day talking about school, boys and her friends. We have some very open and frank discussions. I do not believe in hiding the truth when it comes to my grandchildren. “Grandpa, what was your first kiss like? Was it spectacular? Did it rock your world? Was it with Nana?” “Claire, my first kiss was over 50 years ago. Do you...