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Confession Stories


Nobody’s perfect

I dedicate this poem (and confession) to Cara

There's lots of things I love you for And many things I don’t You tell me that you’ll try to change I realise that you won’t   I love your long brown shiny hair Each strand is oh so fine As I pull them out the shower drain I know that they’re not mine   The shower fairy comes each day Wet towels hang on the door She cleans up all your footprints Where you pad across the floor   And while were on the subject Our bedroom fl...

Once i was a king

My first time trying a rhyme scheme and structure like this, hope you guys like it.

Once I was a mighty king who owned it all,An empress and vast kingdomBut all great empires eventually fall. I still sit upon my lonely throne,The only thing that remained,After all else left with a great groan. There I sit saddened at my own loss,The loss borne by me,Its creator, its once cocksure boss. When one once built a grand life easily,The struggle before is forgotten,The grace and grandeur blind completely.You for...

Somedays I feel like diving,out to the ocean and into the cold,just let the waves take me,until I naturally float. My most morbid thoughts,are of getting old,it's a long hard life,and I don't want to be around that long. All the time I try to feel indifferent,but what will I become,with no passion, no anger,with nothing to love? All that is left is this sad, degrading carcass.And as for my soul,it has rotten; it's gone da...

I never meant to do the things I did,But love made me do them.The words I said were not by my choice,Love made me say them. I never meant to say I quit,But love made me surrender,Taking that terrible hit. I never meant to smile as I walked away,But love made me do it,Saying he’d only hurt you if I stay. I never wanted to make you cry,Love made me do it,Saying it was better than living in a truthful lie. Love made me force...

When Amber arrived home with the pizza she found her older sister sitting at the kitchen table with her mom and almost dropped the pie. " Allison," she screamed with joy as she flew into her sister's open arms. When Amber was released she removed her coat and Allison's eyes grew wide at what was hidden underneath. Amber saw her sister's wide eyed and open mouthed stare and her happiness vanished and she suddenly felt asha...


Sometimes it take cries in the night to interrupt a long held silence.

Nobody said it would be easy. She just didn’t expect it’d be this hard. The clock ticks the hours, the minutes, the seconds, and with each passing minute of daylight, she sighs deeply and braces for the screams. Her husband’s arrival carries with it simultaneous relief and anguish for she knows he, too, fears the minutes, the hours, the untold time that will pass tonight, and the screams that will ensue. She smiles at her...


thoughts in a storm

Lighthouse by Autumn Writer © Copyright 2011 Solitary star, lonesome blinking light, Sentinel on this ragged night, I fight the gale, the stinging sleet. My frail, small craft strains for yonder point where shards beneath the boiling sea lurk in evil hope of my descent to devil’s teeth. to sleep in the cold, dark and silent deep. Can You see me? Lighthouse, do You know how vain my spirit spent that Grace which once fell t...