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Brambles Stories


Lady in Red

Picture Prompt 1

He saw her in the park on a sunny day, while he was just walking though to the other side where he lived in a block of flats. He came out from behind a few trees just after 6pm that late sunny afternoon, where he stopped in his footsteps to see a beauty that was led to him from heaven. OR so he believed. He wished he could picture this moment and let time stand still. There she was, lying on a bench. Wearing a red dress,...

I am the dark and spooky woods. Oh, please, don’t be afraid. Just because you see overhanging branches and tangled brambles, darkness and no way out, it doesn’t mean I’m going to hurt you. I really do quite like visitors, actually. Come, enjoy my clearly set out paths. You may want to take a flashlight, though. There was this one person who forgot their flashlight. In fact, he hadn’t any idea how he’d got here. I knew exa...

Happiness in the Village

Picture prompt 1 — The villagers woke with the spirit of the holidays

Happiness in the Village The geese woke the villagers on this crisp fall morning. Honking all in a perfect V flying south the new sun on their wings. The villagers woke with the spirit of the holidays. One after another a plume of smoke curled up from the houses, rising to meet the new fall day.  Another day, another adventure awaited the children. Laughter filled the paths to the school. Some stopping to throw the new fa...


What was stolen won't return

Based off of the second picture promt

He was lost to me, as the leaves changed to reds, oranges and gold. They fell silently, tossing about, as if someone had thrown a fist full of glitter in the air. I used to close my eyes and let them fall, and when I opened them, he would be there waiting for me. He was taken from me, when the full harvest moon shone brightly through the canopy of leaves high above my head. The pale light showing me the trail we walked do...


Picture Prompt 2

He couldn't sleep and was sitting in the living room trying to find something on TV. Over 100 channels, he thought to himself, and there's still nothing to watch. It was now nearly midnight. His wife had already gone to bed earlier that evening. Turning off the TV, he rose to look out the window. The full moon's light illuminating the backyard. Thinking a small walk would relax him. He went out the back door and toward th...

When day is done and night time darkness fallsWe wait with trepidation for new sun.It's been so long since first we heard the callsAnd started losing people one by one.Outside they ramble through the dusky lightTheir screeches let us know we may not leave.We live each day retrieving what we mightFrom storerooms in the village and we grieve.Our cabin has withstood all their attacks,Just two of us remain to fight this way.W...


Picture prompt 2

Stripped to nothing Everyone knows your secret You hear the whispers An out-of-body experience Occurs immediately It feels as though You’re in a forest, Walking amidst the Barren trees and Brambles of dead bushes In a perpetual Fog The cold wind Against your skin The barrage of clouds, Blocking out the sun The moonlight shines, Only to not Reach the ground. Too dusky for you? Exposure does not Become you. Scary, isn’t it?...