He was lost to me, as the leaves changed to reds, oranges and gold. They fell silently, tossing about, as if someone had thrown a fist full of glitter in the air. I used to close my eyes and let them fall, and when I opened them, he would be there waiting for me.
He was taken from me, when the full harvest moon shone brightly through the canopy of leaves high above my head. The pale light showing me the trail we walked down dozens of times before. The eerie stillness was unsettling, as he was not beside me now.
He was stolen from me by the brambles of the vines, trees and sticks, ensnaring its victim tightly and sucking out the life, I once held dear. If only I could hold his hand again, share a passionate kiss, and wait for the sunrise.
He will never return to me as the darkness began to close in. The deep flow of blood had summoned that evil, that darkness. With me, as a sacrificial lamb presented to a dark God of the forest, I couldn't close my eyes it wouldn't help.
He was lost to me, when I saw him holding another girl tenderly, whispering in her ear, kissing her with an erotic passion I never felt. He didn't see me standing there until it was too late.
He was taken from me by that vixen of a woman, so I ran to the woods, the only place that protected and comforted me. The sun began to set over the horizon, casting dark shadows upon the lonely trail in the woods.
He was stolen from me, as tears blinded my vision, causing me to fall and flail about in the darkness. Tripping on a rock and falling to the ground. I heard him approach and quickly I rose, but instead fell further down, away from the trail.
He will never return to me, as the frosty night set in. The darkness welcoming and warm, beckoned me to follow. So now I lay here, eyes wide open taking in the whole scene and unresponsive to it all.
I found her in a ditch as leaves twirled about in the wind. She caught me with another, I knew I wouldn't be forgiven, but still I chased after her.
Her eyes froze open, gazing deep into my soul. That spark of life and beauty, replaced by a dull darkness, equal to the one surrounding and submerging the woods. She was gone completely, but still I tried to wake her.
Her hands were cold and limp, no pulse or sign of life. She came to her only sanctuary to find it betrayed her. She will never come back, but still I held her hand.
He was taken from me, when the full harvest moon shone brightly through the canopy of leaves high above my head. The pale light showing me the trail we walked down dozens of times before. The eerie stillness was unsettling, as he was not beside me now.
He was stolen from me by the brambles of the vines, trees and sticks, ensnaring its victim tightly and sucking out the life, I once held dear. If only I could hold his hand again, share a passionate kiss, and wait for the sunrise.
He will never return to me as the darkness began to close in. The deep flow of blood had summoned that evil, that darkness. With me, as a sacrificial lamb presented to a dark God of the forest, I couldn't close my eyes it wouldn't help.
He was lost to me, when I saw him holding another girl tenderly, whispering in her ear, kissing her with an erotic passion I never felt. He didn't see me standing there until it was too late.
He was taken from me by that vixen of a woman, so I ran to the woods, the only place that protected and comforted me. The sun began to set over the horizon, casting dark shadows upon the lonely trail in the woods.
He was stolen from me, as tears blinded my vision, causing me to fall and flail about in the darkness. Tripping on a rock and falling to the ground. I heard him approach and quickly I rose, but instead fell further down, away from the trail.
He will never return to me, as the frosty night set in. The darkness welcoming and warm, beckoned me to follow. So now I lay here, eyes wide open taking in the whole scene and unresponsive to it all.
I found her in a ditch as leaves twirled about in the wind. She caught me with another, I knew I wouldn't be forgiven, but still I chased after her.
Her eyes froze open, gazing deep into my soul. That spark of life and beauty, replaced by a dull darkness, equal to the one surrounding and submerging the woods. She was gone completely, but still I tried to wake her.
Her hands were cold and limp, no pulse or sign of life. She came to her only sanctuary to find it betrayed her. She will never come back, but still I held her hand.