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Boobies Stories


I don't know if it's the children I work with or just children in general, but some of them are obsessed with the human anatomy. Whether it's the questions I have documented in my other stories, or pointing to certain body parts and using them as weapons, I feel like my stories these days are mostly about the human body from a child's perspective.  One little boy refers to me as 'boobies'. On the odd occasion he will use...

I love boobs. They’re fun to play with, feel, suck and look at. Boobs are great fun. That’s not where my love of them stops, though. My point of view about breasts is controversial, though it really shouldn’t be. They serve a biological function. Let’s forget all about the fact that they’re sexy and fun to look at and play with. The fact is, their primary purpose is for feeding babies. It’s always baffled me why men can c...