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Happiness Stories


A Bank Savings Account Book

A harmonious relationship is built on the true love.

My mother presented me with a bank savings account book on the eve of my wedding. There was $1000.00 in it. My mother smiled and said, ‘You both are going to deposit some money in it from time to time, when something is worth for memorable. Besides the money, you both learn that there will have the unlimited happiness as you both grow old together!’ My husband deposited $500.00 twice later on. Once, he was promoted at wor...


Praying to galaxy

We are so impotent in love sometimes. Sometimes we meet the right person at the wrong time........

I have to restrain myself, not to let you see me in tears. I pretend to ignore you. Try to stop thinking of you. Only blame myself that I have no title to love you. Looking at you, I am so helpless but. Just let you vanish into the galaxy. The heartbreak makes me breathless as I find no trace of you. I shall sense your tenderness never again. I find no reason for being strong. Please tell me where the galaxy is! Where doe...


The tales of a little boy and a little girl and the flowers

Love is shown in your deed, it is not just shown in your words. Love is something you do, .......

Tale 1 A little boy was fond of a little girl who was studying next class. They lived in a beautiful small town. Then, the little boy picked the wildflowers on the roadside for the little girl after school every day. The little girl was very glad to have the gift. She always showed a lovely smile on her face when the little boy handed her the flowers. He always blushed with a chuckle, whenever he saw her lovely smiling fa...


The predestined affinity

I believe the life is kept coming back. I also believe the people we meet this time, this life.

 Long, long time ago, a young scholar arranged to marry his lovely betrothed. Everything was well prepared on schedule. When the day came, the bride to be-she got married to someone else. He was fallen apart at the seams and very sick. His parents tried so hard to raise his spirit up. Watching their only son nearly at his last gasp, they felt so impotent.  By that time, a monk learned of the circumstance. He decided to he...

Morning Air

The wanderer winters in San Francisco...

Morning was my favorite time of day, sitting with a good cup of coffee, listening, watching the world awaken. This Friday morning, I sat in the dunes overlooking the Pacific Ocean, my coffee cup in hand. I thought I would winter over in San Francisco by couch surfing with friends. The same friend had offered me a temporary job at her framing shop. I strove to get up and out of the house before they awoke. It just seemed c...


The story of never have and already lost

There are two regrets in life : You get what you don’t want. Or, you don’t get what you want.

 The spider = Zhu Er   The nectar = Gan Lu   The little grass = Prince Zhi Cao   The strong wind = Princess Windy     Once upon a time, a spider spun its web on the transom in a prosperous temple.She was influenced by the Buddha-nature after a thousand years of the burningincense and worship there.Buddha came in one day and said to the spider,“You’ve practiced for one thousand years already.I have a question to ask you. W...

Lie down with me It's the only place where I feel safeWhere all that can be heard is our breath mixing together as we whisper sweet nothing into the wind Our hearts beating as one as if that's all they were meant to do As if that's what they lived for Happiness in your arms is all I want and I feel while surrounded by your warmth It's the only place where I can think clearlyMy thought no longer clouded by the doubt and fe...

Every minute I think of you my loveLight of my life and sweet joy of my days,In you, I have found my true heart’s desire,Zenith of my ambition and my goal,All my life has led me to this moment.Before I found you my life was emptyEven the glories of nature seemed dull,Then you came along, and everything changed,Heaven smiled on me, and the world lit up,Bringing undreamed of hope and joy divine.Lady of my dreams I pledge yo...

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The only one who truly shares my entire life with…

The people we meet in our lives. They come, they go. Some stay for awhile...

 The conversations between a professor and a student in and evening class some time ago...The professor said to the students, “Let's play a game. Who'll be the volunteer for it?”Someone came forward, her name was Galaxy.The professor said, “Please list the 20 most important names in your life on the blackboard!”Galaxy listed her family, her friends, her colleagues and her neighborhood.The professor said, “Please delete th...

Stars sprawl across the skyPursuing their everlasting questsHow I, too, wish to journey afarGoing window shopping for a dreamPerhaps I will be an adventurerCarving stories out of my lifeAway from this mental prisonWhere I am forced into domesticationBut maybe I want that as wellA happy wife and a homestead of my ownWhat a dream that would beShould I leave this infernal pitOr maybe I shall make myself knownFar and wide peo...

The Flavor of Duck

I'm afraid I'll bore you, I have a complicated thought, about food, relationships, and happiness.

Lately, all the food I eat tastes like nothing. I might as well be fueling a lawn mower, or eating dirt like a plant for all the joy eating gives me. That might be part of why I'm thin. My mom would say my slight build is because I'm unhappy, and when I find a good man I will find joy and gain a lot of weight. Well, she wouldn't say that, but she would talk around it. She wouldn't say skinny people are unhappy, anymore th...

It was a day just like today, I remember,  The beginning of spring, a day of fresh beauty.  Vanished were the harsh and bitter winds of winter.  The landscape dull and heavy under a sullen sky,  And the very earth hard like iron, cold and dead.  But that was all forgotten now, just like a dream  From which we had awakened into a new world,  Redolent with hope and promise, lifting our hearts,  And filling us with untold jo...

Have you ever envisioned how it is to see one of your family members dead? It may be unusual, to begin with an ending; however, all endings are actually beginnings, it’s simply that we didn't know it at that particular time. It was all going great, we were four, my father was a corporate representative mother was home creator, and lastly, my sister was in her schooling. We were all so associated with each other that it wa...

How strange I muse, that fate should smile on me, And with a touch, such happiness bestow, For I have found quite unexpectedly, A dear companion from whose heart does flow Such tender love that banishes my fears, A gift so undeserved, and yet so kind That brings new joy to my declining years, And calms with gentle words my restless mind. In place of black despair, whose cold embrace Imprisoned me in chains of ceaseless pa...

Our Love Story

Two lonely middle aged people meet by chance and fall in love.

PrologueFrom a purely personal point of view, happiness is extremely difficult to describe. We are either happy, or we are unhappy, and it seems that there is little we can do, however hard we may strive, to make ourselves happy. The story I am going to tell, is about two people, and how they eventually found happiness. Before the events described here, if they had thought about it, neither would have described themselves...