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Praying Stories


Praying to galaxy

We are so impotent in love sometimes. Sometimes we meet the right person at the wrong time........

I have to restrain myself, not to let you see me in tears. I pretend to ignore you. Try to stop thinking of you. Only blame myself that I have no title to love you. Looking at you, I am so helpless but. Just let you vanish into the galaxy. The heartbreak makes me breathless as I find no trace of you. I shall sense your tenderness never again. I find no reason for being strong. Please tell me where the galaxy is! Where doe...

The Power of Praeyer

An agnostic praying mantis embarks on a strange quest for the meaning of prayer.

High up in a tree a large and important insect, known by all as the Grand Poopah, said in a deep voice: “Moses.” “Yes, Most Honorable Grand Poopah, what is your bidding?” said a somewhat smaller insect. “Oh, and by the way, feel free to call me Moe.” “Please lead us in prayers, Moses,” said the Grand Poopah. “That’s Moe, with an ‘e’ at the end,” said Moe. “And do I have to lead?” “Yes, Moses.” “O’ Grandest of Grand Poopah...

The instructions said to wait, so she waited. It was something she did quite well; Lord knows she'd had plenty of practice. Sometimes it seemed she did little else besides wait.Just a few more minutes now. But how many minutes, hours, days, years of her life had she wasted waiting, hoping, praying — all for naught? Enough! Today it would stop. Today she would move forward, no matter what. Her phone played a marimba to cel...