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Every road has a beginning and an end just like life, and I’ve heard that those not being born are basically the one(s) busy dying. With the occasional one(s) who sit there crying over the sound of empty words said and empty promises made, or over the times when a friend is needed or just someone to be there yet they are denied all things to share in, as life goes on all around when a trembling voice is heard and question...

Standing in the doorway feeling the wind blow as a cold rain falls that carries a trace of snow in it, as thoughts drift taking me back to when hopes were set high as eyes glanced, and locked as the measure was taken. With there being times it felt had been struck by sound across the face loud enough to drive choices from my head and being like one lost in time as either a fool or a chewed up bloody mess unable to count a...

Finding myself once again standing out on the platform at the station in the heat, and I am waiting in whatever shade that can be found for that last train that’s soon heading out, as I can feel both the temperature and the humidity rising as the sun’s dark light pounds down. And now as I look through my dark glasses at the rails nearby that seem to burn with white hot intensity, has me stop and reflect on all those thing...

Midnight Ride

This was the second one ever written in 2002, and literally written on my knee in 10 min.

Looking back is a bad habit, and the time has come for me to ride hard and fast, as I ask shall we dance? As I saddle up, and begin to ride through time and memories of the disagreeable past, in this Vale of tears, we all call life. As I pull away from nearly forgotten times, and faces that fade and dim in the fires of the mind. And find the only tears being shed now, are those of ... fear. The fear of losing you, along w...

Waking in the night and half asleep, I hear a voice wondering if from my mind, or is it from someone I have failed in some way or left behind in my life as I make my way through it? Having tasted both victory and also defeat and the latter outweighs the former it seems always. Seeming to find myself defending both myself and my soul from those who accuse me of things not done, and has me wondering at times what has become...

Standing here against a wall off of the main square her in the dark light of the sun, as I find myself leaning back as I close my tired eyes feeling the warm wind blowing and the heat under blue skies. Thinking of why I was hearing the sound of a drum being beat slowly and a fife played lowly? That was able to be heard during the heavy thunderstorm while it passed through last night, and wondering why I heard those played...

Woke this morning at the break of day on what is both the first day of both a new year and a new decade, sitting here feeling the cold as I look to the window and see the grey light of the false dawn filtering in through the blinds, which has me feel as if I were once again leaning in a doorway looking out on things that took place at the close of the year. Recalling those decisions that were made that weren’t accompanied...

Midnight Ride Re-Visited

The original was the second one written, and written on my knee in about 10min. in 2002

Looking back is a bad habit and though we try not to look back most do, and the hour is getting late and it looks like the time has come once again for me to ride hard and fast across the range, as I ask if you in a kind and clear voice shall we dance? Or will you come and join me as I make another midnight ride? Even if there seems to stand a form of unforgiving opposition that usually hides some form of destruction in p...

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Sitting here in the Great White North watching the snow and the temperature falling and feeling my mind drifting back from an email slide show from an old friend and Brother Mason. Having put most of what I have left far from my mind, has sometimes come back and has me closing my eyes in remembrance of some of those places I have been and spent time in back in the High Desert plains I came from.  Standing here in Aguirre...

Some say that there are things that can’t be resisted but, are they real or just things in dreams? As I feel the warm winds blowing and the heat under these blue skies as situations run through my head, and being like a wandering ghost that seems to come out of the shadows like when the dark side calls to cross the line. And never noticing those I who pass me like that slow parade of fears I saw pass me by like the evil a...

Going, Going, Gone

Revised Version

Vapor is trailing from the rocket that is being counted down, to enter the cold of space. And there is no limit to those things we can do, and when you look into my eyes you can see beyond what you fear inside. We both know it all belongs to eternity, as we search for life that we never truly knew. Traveling through darkness to stand in the light once again, with both of us holding secrets, and even when the darkness fall...

Standing here and feeling that steady mist that’s falling having no words to say, and knowing exactly what is meant when they say that the Devil’s in the details and I seem to be walking in a wasteland, or just felt as if I were merely the ghost in machine with times I felt as if I couldn’t carry on as if I had been left behind. And been torn between waiting or not waiting for tomorrow as that false clock tries to distrac...

Smelling rain in the air and it seems as if it’s coming again and hits like a new form of emotion, and feeling it hit like a shotgun blast as it seems to tear me apart and rips open all the memories that have been filed away. As situations unfold and run through my head and remembering all the bitterness and ridicule that I felt and suffered, and now sitting shaken and afraid of all that seems to be coming forth as the ra...

Deep in the still of the night where the world’s ancient light can be seen and felt and where wisdom grows full of strife. I can feel my brain working and at times it feels as though it is working in vain. Recalling times when I have laughed, and cried and been haunted by those things I never meant or wished to say, that just came out. I know that tomorrow just keeps turning things around and the easiest day is always yes...

Out beyond the horizon, and out behind the sun and at the end of the rainbow when the storm has past life seems to have only begun. As I stand here like I have during those long hours in the past underneath those skies at the turning of twilight full of stardust. It feels as if my memories are drowning down in the valley where the water runs cold. And I know that out beyond the divide, at roughly around midnight everybody...