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2 months ago
United States




Story of our today

It started as a notion that affected very few –an ill that lacked a potion, so it traveled and it grew.A viral infestation that was spreading ‘cross the landhad sparked investigation, but was getting out of hand.It broached the local borders, then it show...

  The Dancer   Dancing for dollars over whistles and hollers,showing skin from her head to her toes –she was Friday night’s rage on a drab smoky stage,tucking bills in the band of her hose. The job was no treasure and it brought her no pleasure,only tips...

Holy Goat

How the goat got its name

Holy Goat!The story began with the wave of His handthat created the moon and the stars,and a rock that was spun ‘round a neighboring sun –in the space between Venus and Mars.He changed it from stone that was dead-to-the-bone,to a world that you wouldn’t b...


Man receives reading from a medium

SamanthaI’d never been this way before – was not my normal route,but I felt a bit audacious, so I altered my commute.Surrounded by the quaintness of a little Georgia townon my way to Alabama – thought I’d stop and look around.I’m not sure why I did it – w...


US presidential election

A nation was braced for the end of the raceand the close of a turbulent year –The votes had been cast, all the data amassed and the victor was soon to appear. They’d both tried to tap a mysterious gap,as a way to unbalance the scale –was anyone’s guess, b...

Beauty Queen

A past tragedy is back in the news.

Beauty Queen At early age, she took the stage – with her mother as her guide, such poise and grace with an angel’s face and a talent none denied. Critics claimed that the stage was stained with a lack of moral form – that to spark appeal wearing rouge and...

MediocreI’m told I’m mediocreAnd I guess it must be true –I have no natural talents and my skills are very few.I fear my lack of brillianceis embedded in the bone,inciting resignationlike an edict cast in stone.I set my sights for greatness,But I’m always...

When I came across this picture, I felt I had to write a story around it. Empathy What do you see when you're looking at meif we happen to pass on the street?Will you show some concern, our your head simply turnin a moment of social retreat? Will you gree...


The story of a journey from a war ravaged country.

Refugee Little Mira rose beneath an unrelenting sun –a single face in many who were tired and on the run. Her little feet were blistered and her lips were cracked and dry –she longed for food and water from the stores in short supply. A solid week of walk...


It's about a poet

Call it being clever, call it skill or call it wit – he had a way of picking words that always seemed to fit. He started writing stories, then progressed to rhyme and verse with words that sparked emotion – some for better, some for worse. Declared a ‘nat...

Friendly Fire

A soldier's hard decision.

Friendly Fire A local boy was cutting grass one Sunday afternoon,amidst the granite markers and the shrubs still left to prune. And as he wove his way around the obstacles at hand,he saw a fellow kneeling on a patch of harrowed land. The man was bent and...

A Mother's Dream

A tribute to my mom and her idol - Josh Groban

My mom is a huge Josh Groban fan, so I bring her to town every time he appears. His next concert is in September, only this time - I purchased tickets that include a meeting with the man himself. She won't know what to do. A Mother’s Dream An afternoon ra...

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day poem to my wife

Since I couldn't find a decent rhyming Valentine's Day card for my spouse, I purchased one with nothing inside and inserted my own:Valentine’s Day is a tribute we payto the ones we consider most dear with words that express all the love we possess – that...

Bottoms Up An hourly clerk on a Friday at work, was the last place she wanted to be – putting up stock while the hands on the clock seemed to stick on a quarter-to-three. A typical day filled with minimum-pay, that would start every morning at eight made...

The Final Tour I admit I was miffed – near the end of my shift when my radio squawked a request for just one final run ‘til my workday was done – to a house with an east-side address. I was slightly perturbed when I pulled to the curb and I anxiously tapp...