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Coronavirus Stories


Pop! Pop! Pop! She flung herself off her bed, hitting the ground with a thump! Two black furballs became airborne, startled by their human's sudden movement. Thankfully, cats always landed on their feet. Her pounding heartbeat annoyed her as she struggled to listen for more pops. As a further upset, her constant companion, Anxiety, screamed, "You're gonna die! You're gonna die, woman!"  Becoming one with the carpet, she l...


Story of our today

It started as a notion that affected very few –an ill that lacked a potion, so it traveled and it grew.A viral infestation that was spreading ‘cross the landhad sparked investigation, but was getting out of hand.It broached the local borders, then it showed up overseaswhere it brought out all the hoarders – took the planet to her knees.They used the term ‘pandemic’ when the numbers were unveiled –a problem deemed ‘systemi...