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Mountain of dreams

For d.c., whose wisdom and strength and caring I cannot do without.

Lost and alone Held prisoner by the fears in my own mind No escape could I find I wandered searching for answers but none could be found I was about to shut down Then salvation came to me in a rich melody I stood and looked at a mountain that seemed so high, a sheer face of hard stone came to my mind Undaunted, I knew I had to be strong, for this journey would be long, The catcher of my dreams was a unmovable mountain tha...

Dancing with the thunder

my dance with thunder and rain enjoying a moment complete wild abandonment.

The thunder boomed the lighting cracked I sat up in bed The air was electric My pulse pounded My heart sped Chills danced up and down my arms Opening the door I stepped outside The sky's dark The rain beating down Then a flash and the world lit up Everything shown in a monochrome of black and white It was like a sirens song this storm in the dead of the night In a trance I stepped out in the yard Another thunder clap and...

Eagle and the raven

for a old medicine man friend of mine who taught me how to fly

Once there was a raven who forgot how to fly Her misery hung on her like a dark cloud in the sky Her wings weren't broken but she had lost her heart In a storm she got lost The wind pushed her The rain drenched her The thunder teased her The lighting frightened her She began to fall She knew her flight would end in a tailspin of destruction So she closed her eyes and just let go Now the old eagle had been flying low His e...

Twilight's beauty

hidden beauty is everywhere

Twilight her favorite time of day  She chooses her spot with care and listens to the sigh of the day's end the honeysuckle sweet on the evening air All is quiet as the twilight deepens,and the shadows begin to fall She loosens her hair lets it fall free its luster darker then the shadows of the trees She sits barely breathing  waiting for the magic to begin She cocks her head and smiles as the first crickets sing Down by...

The ring

A gift from the past, a promise of hope for the future.

Nothing striking in its look a simple sliver knotted band a yellow triangle cut citron stone sits high in the middle. Passed from great grandmother, to grandmother, to mother, to oldest daughter worn on the middle finger of my left hand A gift from three generations of mothers. I often wonder what kind of things that small simple ring has seen It was given in love, worn in love, bound with love eighty years of heartache a...

the edge

almost giving up.

High I stood On the edge I danced My wounds mighty My spirit almost broken Down below the water raged One step closer, one more leap and all this pain would dissipate The fall would be great One deep breath and in sweet oblivion I would rest,not a trace of misery left One final leap was all it would take,one splash and I would be released. The water teased and offered peace,or would I be tricked. The ground under my feet...


Feeling the emptiness of your life

I sit in the dark as the rain starts a steady down beat just like my heart.Wishing for something that is just out of my reach. The rain blows in against my face mixing with the tears falling down my cheeks. I sit in awe while the rain sings me a soft lullaby, as the events of my life pass behind my eyes. I look at them like some old movie in black and white, reliving my past heartbreaks and fears and all the shed tears.Wh...

The Unseen Heart

the divine search for the one.

She's a creature of the night She's the wind and the rain She's the twilight, she's the dawn. She slips unseen in between men's dreams. Her steps light as the breeze that ripples thru the leaves. If you look in her eyes you can see the stars and her countless untold dreams, and her restless search for another's heartbeat. The owls haunting call in the dead of the night echos her tears for something she cannot describe Her...

the midnight dance

A lady's wish.

Her hair midnight blue, her skin alabaster white under the moons soft light. In a place where the breeze whispers to the trees, and the fire fly's dance in the night.You will see her standing there, Waiting for a lover that never appears, listening to a music only she can hear.The world goes quiet as she lifts her skirt and bows to a lover only she can see. The moon holds its breath as she dips and sways, each movement on...


What breaking up feels like

I hear his voice whisper "I've met someone else, you see" And my heart gave a lurch and my body jerked and tears fell like rain It is always the same this sweet little stabbing pain This twisted little knife that love welded So he cut the tether that held us together, Set me adrift in a sea with no end Where storm clouds of loneliness loom and the thunder of I wonder who, And the tidal wave of despair and self doubt bloom...

The truth of him

Learning to trust and take a chance

In touch so divine his lips brushed mine,He whispers, you are mine, Such a delightful thrill that sweet little whisper instilled. As he drew me near my body shook with a bit of fear as his finger Traced every curve and wiped away a tear. Don't be frightened my dear I will wipe away your fearsJust look in my eyes and the truth will shine just let your heart speak to mine We will dance this dance and let our bodies speak fo...

To capture a ravens heart

trying to capture a reluctant heart

there once was a man who use to watch a raven fly day by day he watched her climb he watched as she dipped her wings way up high once he even heard her cry once she flew close enough for him to see the colors in her eyes and he begin to ponder why she cried because in his eyes her spirit shined so day by day he watched her fly till he begin to hear the loneliness in her cry's as she raced across the sky's so he set out to...

what is love

what love does

love is joy, it is pain, it is hurt, it is hate, it is death, it is thunder and lighting, it is the rain, it is one of the things that makes life so great. love can make you feel small or ten feet tall, it will make your heart sing or leave it laying in a sling. it is the sweet music that leads us flying into the unknown not giving a damn where you land. love is a drug a sweet addiction not always easy to over come, somet...

dreaming of love

dreaming of true love

I fall sleep dreaming of a prince, I smile sweetly as he greets me with a kiss sighing softly as he holds me tightly such a delight as he brushes my hair back I tremble as he whispers to me of love laughing softly as he takes me in his arms and whirls me on a make believe dance floor his eyes only on me. he presses his body close to mine as we dance a dance older then time each dip and twirl lasting till eternity is done...