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Over 90 days ago



Truth and Beauty Can Be Boring

Sometimes the cutesy stuff is o.k.?

Regarding Truth and Beauty people often get too snooty since achieving them in art is overblown! For we who like to write about stuff that’s mundane and light our poems lack both and so they mostly stay unknown! But there is nothing wrong about side-stepping Falun Gong and simply knocking out a cutesy little ditty. Yes Communists are bad and all oppressors make us mad... but some of us just celebrate the witty! Grecian Ur...

Senior Christmas---Bah, Humbug!

Christmas can be achy and a tad depressing if you're old!

An ongoing fixation upon life, death, and creation and a bunch of other existential folly, includes some inner raging about the effects of aging and prevents my mood from getting very jolly. Yes carolers are singing and the Christmas bells are ringing and some birdies even chirping in the trees. A branch is gently swaying from two squirrels that are playing... but I am also swaying from bad knees! Once taller than six fee...

Of Threats to Democracy

About what may be our greatest threat.

The essence of democracyis that a person never beafraid to freely speak what’s in their heart. A blessing of democracyis that an artist can be freeto fearlessly create a work of art. There was a time not long agowhen any citizen did knowhow precious was the right to free expression. But that is not the case today civility has waned awaysociety has undergone regression. The rules have changed in recent’s animus, h...

The Senior Covid Blues

Annual Xmas contribution. Dedicated to all oldies and oldie wannabes!

I have read many articlesabout the virus particlesthat swirl about and sneak into our noses. Today it takes tenacityto keep one’s lung capacityand not look up and see the roots of roses! According to virologymy system’s etiologydoes put me in the high-risk covid class. A condition pre-existingand with olden age persistingmake it challenging to save my little ass. But I’ll strive for the achievementof avoiding my bereaveme...

Thought Control

Can I really say what I feel?

My country used to be a placewhere one would not be tossed from gracebecause they didn’t hold some point of view. Where free speech was the cherished thingbecause it does make freedom ring!A fact that young and old both praised and knew. But now we monitor each thoughtbecause our products won’t be boughtif we say something deemed to be “unclean.” We examine every wordfor even if just wrongly heardan “impure” phrase can ma...

Always Know the Context! These are NOT “dirty” Christmas Limericks!

My annual Christmas contribution. Know the complete story before you judge something!

Santa gave out a big a whackright after an elf squeezed his sack!The elf had no reasonbut it’s Christmas seasonso Santa just cut him some slack.(He squeezed Santa’s toy sack. Delicate, breakable stuff in there. But Santa was a good egg about it.) Santa loves flying his sleighbut misses his wife when away.When Christmas is overhe calls her right overand gives her a big Christmas lei.(He grabs one in Honolulu after enjoying...

Two Blankets and a Stick

My annual contribution; a song I wrote for my cousin as a Christmas gift.

Well, I wrote the followin’ song for my cousin as a Christmas gift. She got kinda mad at me when I told her instead a payin’ the cemetery folk to put blankets on her mom and daddy’s grave to make ‘em easier to find in the snow, we could just drive big sticks into the ground. She’s gonna be buried with them, and she worried ‘bout how I might tend her grave if she went first. So I wrote this little song ta comfort her while...

The Last Beginning

He didn’t dance. Why was he locked in a room with a ballerina, a conductor, and a photographer?

“This is like a Rod Serling Twilight Zone episode!” he observed. “Four of us locked in a room, and none of us know how we got here!” “And none of us seem that concerned about it!” the photographer noted. “Mind if I get some photos of everyone with my Exakta 66?” He stood up and started looking for the best vantage point in the room. The short, portly conductor was already pacing around, baton in hand. Dressed in his black...

An Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Christmas

My annual contribution for Christmas next year (2018) since I’m old and my mind could go any second.

Dedicated to my precious cousin, an IBS sufferer, without whom I would never have the keen appreciation that I do for my own regularity.***An IBS Christmas***It probably does seem myopicjuxtaposing this bad topicwith icons of Christmas cheer and joy.But I am not a boorish blokeand IBS is not a joke.I wish to raise awareness, not annoy.When peristaltic ebbs and flowsthat do affect both core and noseinduce a life of restric...

My Christmas Stocking

My annual contribution…is a Christmas stocking a good metaphor for an ex wife?

All last year you griped and moanedwhile I would hide or just get stonedto make it through your constant shrill henpecking.Then you finally sneaked awaythe morning after Christmas dayand drained the funds we had in our joint checking.After you had packed your junkand ran away with that young punkI was awash with conflicting emotions.Sometimes I longed for your returnsometimes I prayed that you would burnI vacillated twixt...

The Robin Hood of Christmas

A man robs the disabled and blind to give to the sick and needy.

A man I knew of quite strange mind would rob the disabled and blind but then give to the very sick and needy. People thinking he was mad would ask “How can you do so bad?” He’d say ”It’s easy they can’t chase or see me.” And he’d go on with some disdain to justify and thus explain how all his actions were in fact quite good. His victims in the handicapped niche were in fact extremely rich making him a modern Robin Hood! S...

How sad the best that we can do is picking these pathetic two for President of our United States. One a bozo quite uncouth the other cannot tell the truth A sad choice to have on our voting plates! Yes it’s fun to laugh and dump all over clownish Donald Trump who won’t release a single tax return. A cad who smiles and offers scotch then grabs a woman by the crotch? It is enough to make one’s stomach turn! But Clinton’s sc...

The Ghost of Christmas Sideways

Can one find self-awareness in a dirty bathroom? (Some adult themes and language.)

The apparition was angry.“Stop saying that! I am not the Ghost of Christmases Past! I am the Ghost of Christmas Sideways! I show you how past Christmases and the rest of your life might have been different…if only you had been standing ten feet to the left!”“All I said was that you’re kind of like the Ghost of Christmases Past with a bit of a twist. What’s so bad about that? What’s the big deal?”The apparition continued h...

The Christmas Visit

A man’s future self visits him on Christmas Eve and gives him a precious gift.

“You cannot be me from the future!” I shouted. “That is just not possible! Besides… you’re old and ugly!” “Deal with it!” the old man replied. “I am future you! And I can prove it.” “How?” “By telling you things that only you could know,” he said. I took another hit of gin from my hip flask and stared at the seventy-something guy standing in front of me. If this was me forty years from now I was in trouble! But there was...

Say “No!” to Toys for Tots….”Yes” to Toys for Tottlers!

Seniors need compassion at Christmas more than kids do.

To heck with “Toys for Tots!” Instead think “Toys for Tottlers!” Because tottlers (seniors who walk unsteadily and just tottle along for whatever the reason) are much needier than kids. Their friends have all died or are so out of it that they may as well be ornaments dangling on a tree. So the tottler frequently faces Christmas alone. Don’t buy a teddy bear and put it in some box at a church. Buy a carton of lubricated c...