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1 month ago


one book, and usually one or more stories on various sites online simultaneously

Do you prefer real books or digital?
It depends on what I'm doing. When I am reading, it's shut out automatically. Paul in a book no longer resides in this plane. When I write, do paperwork or try to communicate, it wears me down.

Do ypu still notice what goes on around you, when you're reading a book?
Alan, did you push Ginger away from here?
I'm here to return the favor.
Be gone!
Thunderstorm coming
Everyone's rushing back home
Before lightning strikes
Then you must be plan D or E.
At ease folks, I'm here now, I've got everything under control, so stand down and let me take over.....
I often do, I even get requests: please, stop that noise?

Would you ever wear something you hate, just because your significant other loves it?
When I think: "what the hell can that sound be?"
Realize the alarm clock has found me
Then a hot cup of brew
Is what I need to feel new
While the world slowly wakes up around me
I absolutely would

Would you ever accept when a stranger offered you a massage
birds don't settle, they fly, so I opened the cage... GET OUT!
If youlove him:

Roses are red
and daisies are white
grab hold of your loved one
and hold him real tight
for time passes quicky
so try not to miss
any chance that you get
for a hug or a kiss

If you love her:

Roses are red
oh yes, roses are red
let her know that you love her
every chance that you get
for your life rushes by
father time doe not care
so savour those wonderful
moments you share
Boasts about grizzlies, but loves to see the world in lilacs and pinks
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Quote by paulus
Nothing personal, but I like the one, where you show you face, better. On this one you look angry, and a bit like an anachronism, a wild west crook in the back of a (police)car.

Better? O' smily one?
Much better!
Jupiter, though nobody goes there anymore since my greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandfather farted there. The stain it created, that big red one, is slowly becoming smaller, scientists claim, so maybe, one day it'll be reopened for tourists.

What is the first piece of clothing you still remember?
Quote by ginger86
pretending he was a dog and sniffing everybody's butt

Not everybody's, just the lovely ones

hi Ginger

Ginger was arrested, not because she lifted a shop, but because she chose the garbage dump as the location to set it down again
Quote by ginger86
arrested for playing hopscotch in the middle of the road with nothing on but a smile.
That's the best way to play it...

Hi Ginger

Ginger was arrested trying to compete in the Monaco Grand Prix on a bobby car

Nothing personal, but I like the one, where you show you face, better. On this one you look angry, and a bit like an anachronism, a wild west crook in the back of a (police)car.