I'd love to, but it would have to be in creepy place, for better effect
Would you ever panic, if you'd hear a creepy sound, right after a creepy story?
Sweet? Sugar? hey, hellooooohhh!
Why are you hearing that voice?
Banned for needing a litterbox
Okay, this one was for Ginger:
Loves to play with weird and loud sound effects and multi colored lights. By now, half her neighbourhood believes her house is occupied by aliens from outer space, most of the rest think, she's inventing new and exciting fireworks.
Ghostreader is actually believed to be one of the ghostly aliens, living in Ginger's house
Because people love themselves a lot these days
What's that noise, you're hearing right now?
Dear Justine, you're so wrong. It's mine!
Not on my life. I'd rather have my intestines cremated *after* I died, which hopefully won't happen for a few years yet.
Would you ever kill an animal yourself, to eat it?
Get away from my spot, you agressive little boy! Didn't they tell you, not to eat the sand?
Hi Alan, I hoped you enjoyed it while it lasted. I'm taking over now.
been busy a bit, but I'm back
And no, that's not my nose, I think that erupted from you somewhere
Whohoh.. Still walkimg backwards hey? Well, my nose always points in the direction I'm going, and that's always to the end of the line. So you're behind me now...
At the end of the line you mean,?
Couple of slices of bacon, brake a few eggs over them, break the yokes, when they're solid flip the thing. On dark whole wheat bread.
What should I drink with that?
Not so jumpy, it's only me...
Banned for that look in your eyes
Sunday's almost done here, so I'll just reclaim my spot
Mr. Grainger? Are you free?
Percy Sledge
I know a few of those... and I know, I am here now!
I tought I taw a puddycat!
I did! I did!
I did taw a puddycat!
Be vewwy vewwy quiet, or you'll wun off the bunny wabbit..
Quite right Sunil, please keep moving