I love real books, but I'll read from anything that has good stories.
Books and stories you read, own language only or foreign language(s) too?
I don't know how to ski, but fun is okay anywhere
What comes easier, sunburn or suntan?
Beach, but only to get to the sea with my divemask, snorkle and flippers..
Lakeshore or seashore?
I saw you Norm, just for a minute I saw you...... I think...
Of course I have. And where? Where daktari lived with that cross-eyes lion Clarence, where Jane Goodall worked with the chimpansees, where Diane Fossey lived among the gorillas, Masai Mara and so many more places. I probably would need an extra lifetime to see them all. I think I'll settle for the images and stories. Some dreams will be just that, dreams.
What place on earth is on the unfullfillable part of your wishlist?
Right, the dogs on its way to where no one has gone before, and I'm back at the end of this line
You bunch of freaking ugly butts
I'll round you up and drive you nuts
With silly jokes and stupid gags
With some old dame that always nags
With classic music, way to loud
And rockstars that can only shout
Until you crack and need a shrink
I deserve commission, don't you think?
Sprouts or no sprouts, the end of this line is mine!
Don't worry, I had risotto with prawns tonight.
I used to have a favorite pen, a parker jotter I got from my employer. Sadly, I lost it. Nowadays, I'm happy to find a pen that still holds ink, my kids seem to eat them..
Do you still frequently write, or has some form of typing become the standard?
Granted, but after five years, it is so deteriorated, you wouldn't even feed it to the dog.
I wish I had a nice cup of coffee
I frequently use my smartphone as a tool to access stories space. To be able to properly read, I have to zoom in on the pages, pushing the right portion of the title bar outside my screen. To access the icons there was never a problem, I simply scrolled to the right when i wanted to go to the pages for friends, mail, settings or search.
Lately however, when I scroll to the right, the title bar doesn't move along anymore, thus making those icons on the right side unreachable, unless I zoom out so far, that they become to small, to be accessible from my touchscreen, without touching at least two icons simultaneously.
You better drink that, I'm not letting you stay in my spot
I'd like to experience that, but I don't think I'll fit in with the crowd there, so I probably won't.
Would you ever kiss a sea lion?
Mind if I take over for a bit?
things are slow here today, but I'll take this spot anyway