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Over 90 days ago
United Kingdom



The poet

The essence of the poet.

  I go where The cobwebs shine Dangling like diamonds On the green boughs Of the forest beings. I go where The mist gathers Above the loch Enfolding the geese. Who honk forlornly. I go where A wild flower Waves happily In the breeze Near the ever shifting dunes I go where My loved ones gather So I can enjoy The laughter and fun. Savouring the moment. I go where I can listen to Bach Whilst writing poems And recording my li...

Christmas Tree

Two boys come running out to tell me they have decorated their tree.

Running through Their house to the front door Theo and Rowan excited from hanging decorations, come to me shouting see what I have done! Love swelling From my heart I look with wonder At their tree Sweet children You have magic That gives me courage To go on.

Be Brave My Love

A woman tries to stop her love from feeling bad.

Be brave my love. When the wind is raging And sharp arrows of hail shoot horizontally into the forest; do not despair. Keep the faith that the sun will return. Take the warmth of my love and Do not lose yourself in grief and the pit of no hope. Let me guide you to the light of happiness and declare, I am blessed.

The Dark

In the distant future Em finds she has lost a leg.

The dark The earth has tilted and the British Isles, as well as half of the rest of the world, has been plunged into an ice age. For six months there is no sun.When the sun appears it never sets and as its heat is reflected back into space by the white ice; it does not warm the earth. Summers, when ice melts and whole areas are flooded, now begin around mid-July and last until the end of August. Humans have evolved to hib...

The Fox

I met a fox.

The Fox As I walked down My urban street A red coated fox I did meet. Freezing in my tracks I savoured my encounter with this old soul. Such a wonder A breath of wildness. He looked me in the eyes with the majesty of a creature caught In the headlights of my gaze. He viewed me, not of his world of ancient rights. and drew me into his perception Of life. Feeling the wind whip through my hair Running free Joyful hunt Fear a...

I know why

When you get to a certain age seeing blurred images is good.

I know why Late in life Our eyesight Is poor. When we enter the bedroom and close the door. We do not see our life’s love body evermore.

Standing on the kerb By the stone bollard The carved number ten Mossily announcing a mile And an arrow pointing up to the town hall at my side. I am waiting to cross the road. I am one with the universe. The lights go red For Ann Street and Queen Street. Cars go forward The green man does not appear. Time is an illusion. The lights change to green For Queen Street. I’m still standing here. As a hulking great truck passes...

A set back

Franc finds taking acid is not conducive to having a family life.

 Franc sat stirring his coffee, bored and frustrated. Wondering why he had agreed to manage his father’s art gallery. Not one person had visited the gallery all week. I’m going to stand up to him, he thought, and tell him that I do not have to jump at every command he gives me. I should be my own man. I shouldn’t have left my last job for this. To his relief a tall blond man walked into the gallery. He walked around the r...

Finding Home

Two people from different cultures find love

Finding Home It was October 1968, (according to the Gregorian calendar) Claire sat on the edge of her bed preparing to write a letter to her parents in England. She ran her fingers through her newly cropped brown hair thinking. Her room made of plywood with a wooden frame was part of a series of huts with wooden verandas where the international volunteers were housed, built round a central courtyard, a long way down the h...

Liquid Lunch

A reporter learns a lesson about questioning a tough character.

Rupert swallowed his liquid lunch of tomato juice and noticed how difficult it was to suck the juice from the many large cubes of ice the bar man had filled his glass with. He looked over the rim of his glass at the gathering glitterati assembling for the charity concert in Convent Garden. I will get a good interview tonight, he told himself psyching himself up to assertively approach the famous people and gain their atte...

Out of body experience

I found that I was floating above my body.

Pain my old friend Here to visit me again Know that it will never end. I would try to transend My consciousness’ domain Know that I can depart And I can out smart My leaden body A shell from my soul apart So useless and unsteady So up here hovering Near the ceiling My spirit looks down At my face with a frown. So tempting To leave but my family still needs me I must stay around From my body I cannot bound Let me one day b...

Finding peace

A girl visits a family who live in Jerusalem just after the six day war.

It was a year after the Six Day War and so for the first time Israelis could visit Bethlehem, as well as the Dome of the Rock and the Western Wall in Jerusalem as the territory was temporarily under Israeli rule. Hitch hiking was the accepted form of travel in Israel for young people who were doing their year’s military service. Many young volunteers also took this chance of traveling for free around Israel and there were...

Mother's Monologue

Monologue of a mother describing how she coped with her son being bullied.

I was really angry when my 9 year old son David came home with a swollen lip. It broke my heart to see his face disfigured with blues and browns and yellow bruising. I said what on earth happened to you? He said Brian did a karate kick on me. Well I could not believe it! That’s the problem with parents sending their children to martial arts classes. They become dangerous to everyone around them. I mean I can’t believe tha...

my pumpkin pie

A witch cases her spells.

Rushing, rushing With some trusting Ingredients to cook. Looking slowly at my book. I am a spells caster Ever eager And a believer In magic That is classic; To improve the taste buds Of my friends So they can savour The flavour Of my Pumpkin pie Eat or DIE


A child wakes up from a nightmare.

Grandson Rowan woke up crying. I hastened to his side There he lay Left arm flung out from his duvet Eyelids fluttering His mouth turned down in a frown Can I sooth him? My sweet Rowan Tired at the end Of a busy day Bouncing on his trampoline Clowning around with his brothers. What nightmares had spoilt My grandson’s gentle sleep? We had such fun together That day Playing catch With a juggling ball. He had thrown his head...