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Bravery Stories


The road before you is perilous What lies beyond the fog is dangerous Legends of creatures ever so treacherous Shall you choose to be cautious or adventurous? Nothing can truly prepare you for this journey You pray that the gods may show you mercy Your hands shake as your heart fills with worry Shall you be triumphant or return on a gurney? Something just moved in the trees, You hope that it was only the breeze Yet your u...

Something of Value

Young man has first encounter with human loss

It was a slow melancholy song in Harry Turner’s head. Uncle Joe was dying. A sad refrain that reminded Harry of the man he knew. He was a man full of good humour, activity, kindness and love for his family. Now he was dying. The dirge plagued Harry’s mind. He had arrived home from university that morning to find his father in a less than happy frame of mind. “Your Uncle Joe’s unlikely to get better. Your mother has stayed...

Her chances were slim, she was too fat to fit in. On a scale of 1 to 10, she was overweight. She was insecure about herself, and all her flaws, She built an emotional wall, a tower, with so many floors. Each room filled with pictures, of painful memories. Albums upon albums, she collected sad melodies. Her closet full of Skeletons, monsters under her bed. She cried to sleep, as she tried to sleep. Each new scar cutting in...


Ascend the stairs into the Light

Such a load she had to bear, unbeatable pain was always there;She was so brave and dignified; despite it all, she seldom cried;When told she wouldn't make it through, she insisted there was more to do;She wasn't ready to give in yet; stronger chemo was her bet;She had such plans; she had to live; continue fighting so she could give,the world her love and heart and soul; To beat the demon was her goal;Our Lord had differen...

Why should I be here when my child has gone?I'm devastated and don't know how to carry on;She had a bright future coming her way;Till everything changed on a beautiful spring day;She was always so calm and dignified;Despite overwhelming pain she rarely cried;I'm fighting a lost cause, my hope went away;It happened in an instant on a cold winter day. 

Slightly Premature baby

Slightly premature baby.

Slightly premature baby I made a decision that nobody knew It was my responsibility to let my baby go from in me. As I lay solitary in the night in the glow of a light a Daddy Longlegs flitted around slightly mad I chatted to him thank you for your company dear friend. Then an apparition came to me - My babies brown eyes told me ‘fear not you will be safe and I will be free’. Then all was well his body was ready and he gl...

Be Brave My Love

A woman tries to stop her love from feeling bad.

Be brave my love. When the wind is raging And sharp arrows of hail shoot horizontally into the forest; do not despair. Keep the faith that the sun will return. Take the warmth of my love and Do not lose yourself in grief and the pit of no hope. Let me guide you to the light of happiness and declare, I am blessed.