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Over 90 days ago
United Kingdom


Quote by DirtyMartini
Quote by Rumple_deWriter

Me, I couldn't get a single poem up on the restroom wall in a bus station.

You know Rump, I really believe you just don't give yourself enough credit sometimes...

I truly believe that if you gave it the old college try, and really made a serious effort, you could probably get a single poem up on a bathroom wall somewhere...

Maybe in a clean, respectable bathroom...not like the bathroom in that cyber-dive on another site whose name will never be uttered on these hallowed grounds known as Stories Space...

Oh, and congratulations Diane...

thank you alan, you are funny
Quote by Rumple_deWriter
Way to go, 2B, on getting two pieces published!

Me, I couldn't get a single poem up on the restroom wall in a bus station. Congratulations.

Funny! Not getting any on a rest room wall!
thank you for your support.DTiROmXZpxv2x0Yu
wood fireplaces if someone else chops the wood

chocolate hearts or icecream hearts
My poem Spittle Falls was spotted by the 'Pen 10Scribe' . She asked me to submit it for her Anthology together with another poem. I sent 'Taste'.

The poems have just been published in 'A compendium of Talented Authors' and is on Amazon now.

Thanks Stories Space for your site as a showcase.C70OOctEyVDsajbS
My daughter's baby has just been born! She is OK and Samantha is OK.upT5LYbnYFXWKQup