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The Brown Caterpillar

Nature is wonderful.

A caterpillar, brown and furry, passed a ladybird in a hurry. "Where are you off to in your coat of red?" "I'm off to the ball," the ladybird said. "A ball? The caterpillar replied. "Yes, the Peacock wants a bride." "I need a dress," said the caterpillar, brown. "I believe I can buy one in the town." The ladybird laughed, until she turned blue. "Do you think the Peacock will look at you?""What you need is a gown of red, y...

Lord Winter And The Coming Of Spring

The long wait for Spring.

The waterfall, frozen in time, has formed icicles. Kissed by Lord Winter's breath. They glisten like chandeliers in the moonlight. It is silent now. Frozen in its swift advance. Spring called for Lord Winter to relent! "Be still, be patient, Spring awakes," heralds a solitary daffodil beneath a cold March sky. I saw the branches of the trees bend down to kiss her feet. A pretty blue-eyed fairy maid, Lord Winter had to mee...

Fly Meets Spider

Never trust people you don't know.

Fly, feeling very lonely, flew around the empty office and landed on the open lap - top. She sat preening her wings , humming a little tune to herself , always keeping a look -out for her relatives , who just might be flying past. Suddenly! She saw a spider crawling from underneath the QWERTY keyboard. "Hello," said the spider. "Hello," replied fly. "Can we be friends?" said the spider. "I am very lonely." "I guess so," s...


A modern-day Cinderella

Slight in build, half-starved. "She" ordered me to wash the dishes. If I answered back, "She" would pull my hair and yell at me. I fetched the kitchen chair so that I would be able to reach the old enamel, chipped sink. I remember feeling sad, feeling afraid. "She" scared me, made me shrink, small.  I was only ten. The soapy water felt warm, soothing, comforting. I started to daydream. I was far away, in a balloon, watchi...

The Coming Of Dawn

Watching the dawn.

Dawn skims the sea with wings of gold, spreading tapered rays of light, toward the white manes of the water horses. Surrounding each mane in an arc of rainbow colors. Each white horse pursues the others, in a labored race to reach the shore. Reaching its destination, each water horse spews foam upon the shore. Retreating in a rush, dragging seaweed and pebbles back to the ocean. Being replaced by another in a re-enactment...

Behind her faded net curtains, she indulges herself by watching her neighbors pass by. The lineaments of her face are partially hidden. She stands in her "slightly untidy" living room, which affords her a better view of the street. Faded family photographs, placed in a neat row, smile at her from their ornate frames. She dusts them dutifully every morning, "Just in case someone visits." The hands of her grandfather clock...

My heart is like a haunted chamber. Filled with phantoms of the past. Each chamber holds a woman crying. Each alone in moonlight cast. Chamber one, holds a woman grieving, for the child she lost-unborn. Struck down by her husband's hatred, she sits alone, lost, forlorn. Chamber two, holds a woman weeping on bent knees by candlelight. Praying for divine protection, from cancer of the womb this night. Chamber three, holds a...


Lost love.

Gulls scream at her from above. She stands forlorn beside the sea. Unseen hands tear at her clothes. She wears a cloak of misery. Her heart aches with a pain. Phantoms whisper in her ears. He used her, he stole her heart. She breaks down in tears.  White waves lash the rocks. The buoy tolls its knell. "Betrayed, betrayed." Rings its lonely bell. She walks a labyrinth of pain, toward the cliffs of white. Phantoms clasp her...

Time passes like a gentle breeze. The hands move slowly to caress the seconds like a deceitful lover. The clock's face, benign and handsome, looks on. As the days, months and years pass, the clock ticks a rhythm. Beguiling, giving a false sense of security. Time passes, waiting for a birth, a death. The deceitful hands move on. We are born, we die. The clocks face, serene, shows no mercy. Ticking away our lives and when w...