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Jenny's Story... Part Two

Jenny tells the story of her mentally abusive husband

I am alone and when alone I think... Why does he treat me so cruelly? He never compliments me...He puts me down. We went to his friend's wedding four years ago now, and we found ourselves seated at a round table with strangers. He leaned across the table and asked me if I was going to wear the same dress to my sister-in-laws wedding. I felt confused at such an odd question. I had dressed carefully and felt I looked nice....

Cieren Of Glaslyn Wood

Cieren has to reach Glaslyn Wood.

Cieren Of Glaslyn Wood Cieren had to cross the deep ditch to reach the safety of Glaslyn Wood. Cieren felt very tired and hungry. Luckily it had been raining and the worms were not far from the surface of the ground. Cieren could smell them. His mouth watered , just thinking about a nice juicy worm! So first things first, he decided to dig. He had not dug far when he came across his first worm. Cieren devoured it ravenous...

Gabriel, the Church Mouse

Gabriel ... A mouse who lives in a church.

Gabriel was a church mouse. He lived in the old church of St. Mark's in a village in England. His parents had died two years ago. It was tragic for Gabriel. He had been made an orphan by the church cat! Whiskers belonged to the vicar's wife. She had left the church door open one afternoon after she had been arranging the flowers on the altar. Most days she remembered to close it. She knew there were mice in the church, bu...

The Little Bed Bug

The life of a bed bug.

I am a bed bug, named Tilly. Sometimes I crawl on your Willy. No I`m not being rude... You have all misconstrued! You share your bed... With a bug named Willy. Okay... So you think I am silly? I hope to marry your Willy. Do you hear what I say? We will marry one day! Tilly Will, marry your Willy. A honeymoon will be spent on your cover. And if Willy`s an excellent lover.We will be ... Close kith and kin. Feasting upon you...

Jenny's Story

Jenny tells the story of her husband`s mental cruelty.

I feel sick waiting for him to return. The house is spotless, the dinner in the oven, he is bound to find some fault with me. I try so hard to please him. He once said to me, "Perhaps you try too hard!" He knows I try hard, so why does he delight in being cruel to me?  I hear the front door slam. He`s here. My stomach is churning. I turn from the kitchen sink. "Did you enjoy yourself?" I ask, knowing the answer to my ques...

Oh dear! I've caught the writing bug. It seems a bad disease.  But, it doesn't make me cough and it doesn't make me sneeze!  I do not have a fever; it seems there's no injection . My throat it isn't sore; there isn't an infection. I didn't catch it from from a cup, or even from a kiss. It seems the bug is here to stay, there is no end to this! I try to get some sleep, but words keep dancing in my head. I get up to get a d...


A chance meeting on a train station.

My nursing career began at the tender age of 17. It was inevitable I suppose. As a child I looked after my siblings when they became ill. Placing cold flannels on their hot foreheads, fetching hot water bottles and applying bandages. Caring for the sick did not stop there. I nursed hedgehogs , birds, anything that needed help. Many brave souls have touched my heart with their bravery, dignity and serenity. A few have stay...

Spotty Socks

Socks are always going missing

The Spotty socks started off as a pair. They would travel everywhere.  They went to parties and had fun. But one sad day...There was only one! Spotty sock 1 searched everywhere. In the cupboard, under the stair. But Spotty sock 2 could not be found. She`d crept away without a sound. Spotty sock 1 searched the whole house. He even asked the resident mouse. "I`m certain I saw Spotty sock 2," the little mouse replied.  "I sa...

Cieren The Badger

Cieren needs to find a new home.

Cieren is a badger his name is Welsh and is pronounced Keeran. He was born in the Brecon Beacons in South Wales. He had been very happy living with his family there, until one day the badgers heard farmer Jones tell his son that the badgers carried a disease and would have to be driven off the land. Cieren`s family shared the fields with the cows; they ate the same grass and snuffled around quite happily, unaware that the...

The Cat Relaxed

Cats know how to relax.

The cat purred and scratched. The cat yawned and stretched. The cat relaxed! The cat twitched his ear - something was very near. Something in the house, perhaps it was a mouse? The cat opened up one eye. He gave a little sigh. Something scuttled by. The cat licked his paw. Looked at his claw.  Slowly washed his face. Which wasn`t a disgrace! Stretched a leg and licked his bum. Went on to clean his tum. The cat yawned and...

The Guiding Light

A vessel caught in a storm.

The moon called to the stars one night. He had something to say. "I need your light to aid me, a storm is on its way." There is a lighthouse far beyond but ships have perished here. The rocks abound this way around and danger`s very near.  Gathering close, the stars shone bright , twinkling with all their light. The moon rose high, as high as he could be. Creating a guiding light for those upon the sea. With ferocious spe...

The Frog With The Silly Grin

A warm heart, wins true love.

Goronwy was a handsome frog, but wore a silly grin. I do know how he came by it, but where shall I begin?  I think I should begin, with, the story from the start.  To start at the beginning, perhaps, would break your heart.  Goronwy loved to frolic, in the Lilly pond, but one day, he was curious, and ventured far beyond. He`d heard a female calling, many miles away. Her voice was sweet and wonderful, and led Goronwy astra...

It Would Be Fun To Be A Flea

I want to be a flea

I wish I was a little flea. I'd bite you every minute. I'd have a nibble, here and there, and take such pleasure from it. Perhaps, I'd nibble on your ear...crawl in and out the drum. Perhaps, I might get tired of that, and nibble on your bum! I would sleep upon the hairs, growing on your chest. Oh, lovely to be snug and warm...Underneath your vest.! I would sit upon your lips. Perhaps implant a kiss?  If I was a little fl...

"When did I grow old, did it happen in one day?" One moment my hair was chestnut brown, now it's turning gray. "When did I grow old, did it suddenly creep, when I was in my bed, as I was sound asleep?" "When did I grow old, did it happen this very hour, or did it slip in through the door as I was in the shower?" "When did I grow old, did I climb the steps of time, never stepping back to the glory of my prime?" "When did I...

Why Does the Sun Go to Bed?

A good answer to a difficult question?

"Why does the sun go to bed and then the moon comes instead. Then in the light of day, the sun chases the moon away?" I have a secret that I shall tell, if I can be sure you would keep it well. The sun NEVER goes to bed. She travels around the world instead. So in the place she used to be, she sends the moon so we can see. So that is why in the light of day, the sun chases the moon away.

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