The waterfall, frozen in time, has formed icicles. Kissed by Lord Winter's breath. They glisten like chandeliers in the moonlight.
It is silent now. Frozen in its swift advance.
Spring called for Lord Winter to relent! "Be still, be patient, Spring awakes," heralds a solitary daffodil beneath a cold March sky.
I saw the branches of the trees bend down to kiss her feet. A pretty blue-eyed fairy maid, Lord Winter had to meet.
When he arrived to meet the maid, his face was sad, his hair was gray. His robe had melted clean away.
"Time to be gone," the maiden said. She touched him with a flower. A smile appeared upon his face. "I'm gone this very hour."
And go he did, to his doom, and as he faded fast.
Spring flowers bloomed where he had stood. Spring had come at last!
It is silent now. Frozen in its swift advance.
Spring called for Lord Winter to relent! "Be still, be patient, Spring awakes," heralds a solitary daffodil beneath a cold March sky.
I saw the branches of the trees bend down to kiss her feet. A pretty blue-eyed fairy maid, Lord Winter had to meet.
When he arrived to meet the maid, his face was sad, his hair was gray. His robe had melted clean away.
"Time to be gone," the maiden said. She touched him with a flower. A smile appeared upon his face. "I'm gone this very hour."
And go he did, to his doom, and as he faded fast.
Spring flowers bloomed where he had stood. Spring had come at last!