The cat purred and scratched. The cat yawned and stretched.
The cat relaxed!
The cat twitched his ear - something was very near.
Something in the house, perhaps it was a mouse?
The cat opened up one eye.
He gave a little sigh.
Something scuttled by.
The cat licked his paw.
Looked at his claw.
Slowly washed his face.
Which wasn`t a disgrace!
Stretched a leg and licked his bum.
Went on to clean his tum.
The cat yawned and scratched.
The cat... Relaxed!
The cat relaxed!
The cat twitched his ear - something was very near.
Something in the house, perhaps it was a mouse?
The cat opened up one eye.
He gave a little sigh.
Something scuttled by.
The cat licked his paw.
Looked at his claw.
Slowly washed his face.
Which wasn`t a disgrace!
Stretched a leg and licked his bum.
Went on to clean his tum.
The cat yawned and scratched.
The cat... Relaxed!