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Over 90 days ago



The Void

Your soul doesn't live here anymore.

I cannot speak the words to convey how much I miss you. That would make it real. Heart-slashing miseryhas displaced a sultry burn. My thoughts are still full of you,craving just...One... word. Through tears,I see in the mirror,an emptiness, where there once was a part of you. My tears will neverfill that emptiness. The void will torture me for as long as you're not there.  © trinket 2017  

then I Remembered You

What is my purpose in life?

My heart cries.What am I supposed to do?I think God forgot to give me a purpose in life.  I've lost my way and I don't know where to go.I missed somethingThen I remembered you.You're not mine butyou are everything I haveYou're everything I love. Perhaps that is my purpose.  © trinket 2013-2015

Suffused with life. HappinessJoyLovingLivingThen you came along.You chose her,Were Inclined towards her. I was warned about you. Preordained fortuity perhaps?Your insidious shadow approached unnoticed. Your darkness surprised me. I didn't contemplate meeting you at all.Happenstance brought mixed emotions. I held onto my loving friends, Faith and Hope.The moment she felt your presencemy heart skipped a beat. The unknown, G...

You Are More Than Words

A thought for a friend

You are more than words. Words do not define who you are or who you want to be. The words you choose are a part of you, not your entirety.Someone once told you, you could write.So you did.You still can.Please do.Nobody can prevent you penning your thoughts because you own them.Discover a new vessel and give yourself permission to set them free.Circumstances have changed, you are still you.Embrace a new beginning.Discover...

My Two Boys

I would have loved them

You will never know how much I wish those children were mine. The two little boys God said I could never have. The 2 little boys you told others I had but didn't take care of. I would have loved them. Why did you have to tell a lie that ended so horribly? Who are you? You are not the person I knew. He was special to me. Kind and sweet, not a cruel evil liar. I treasured his friendship and thought he treasured mine. You ca...

Sweetest Secret

We all have secrets...

You are my secret My sweetest secret Your warm breath on my face, Before… The first slight touch... The first rush of heat... Soft lips, dancing, exciting. The taste of new passion, Warm, tingling and euphoric... Melting into another planebetween consciousness and a dream. Aware of every sensation yetlost in our own existence, Hidden away in our own secret. Trapped in an unbroken kiss, Stoking the slow burn of hunger For...

Romeo and Juliet...Revisited

A modern look at Romeo and Juliet.

Let me tell you a story about two young lovers,A tragic love story, been told by many others. The servants of Montague, and of Capulet,Fought for their Masters, sometimes until death. Escalus warned them not to breach the peace again,Or he would see to it, every one of them was slain. The feud between the houses started long ago,Neither would surrender, or let the hatred go. *** A Montegue bird sits perched in a tree,Wait...

Imperfect Perfection

Love is rarely perfect

Love weaves a web of lossthrough my coreas I covet you. Perpetual days of torment,unfinished thoughts of youtaunt my past and future. Silent cries ride the backof an impossible avowal,always only a wish. My heart wails in your absence,I miss you incurably,I will wait patiently for you. You are not mine,yet I can't let go.My sorrow is a waterfall. A torrent, a flood,a river of miserywhisks me away. Drowning in torment,you...

I see him standing over there,hands in pockets, unawarethat I know he covets me. Does he know it can never be? My friend is most dear to me,I need him here can't he see?To talk me through my silly fearsand sweep away all my tears. My heart belongs to another, My very special long-time lover. It doesn't mean that I don't needhis friendship, his advice to heed. I wish he knew that if I couldchoose another, it's him I would....

A Week You Said

Is a week long enough?

Who is going to make you laugh? Who is going to laugh with you when you crack your silly redneck jokes? It's not going to be me. A week you said. No contact at all you said. Think about if I want you as you are now and let go of you as I want you to be, and you will think about whether "us" is still something you want. I only ever wanted more of you. Is that such a bad thing? A circle. We keep circling around it. It's me...


Please talk with me.

I met Tucker a few years ago. We used to talk sometimes. We'd discuss our tales of woe. He was so sweet and kind,A most beautiful friend. He was a very rare find Sometimes he'd disappear, And come back a new manAlways ready to lend an ear. I looked for him one dayAnd it seemed he'd goneI had things I wanted to say. "I read your latest proseIt's a first class readEveryone already knows" When I saw him over there I walked o...

The Humble Cucumber

What is so special about cucumbers?

Can anybody tell me just what is so special about cucumber sandwiches? You know those dainty, crustless smelly little things you sometimes get at parties? I loathe cucumbers. I loathe brussel sprouts more though but that's another story I will write sometime. WHO decided they should be served at a party? Probably someone in the 1800's having a garden party. Didn't have anything else in the garden except cucumbers so prete...

How Can I Choose?

Is making a choice ever easy?

Is it possible to cope simultaneously with the torment of choosing whether I will to stay and accept less than I desire, or the agony of wanting to walk away because I know you'll never be able to give me what I want? Something that means everything to me. Torn between the exhilaration of a very deep love, or despair born of knowing I walked away from what little I had. Can the heartbreak and grief of a futile want be mea...

When We Get Old

How much have we changed by the time we get old?

What if we change What if we stop being us Will we still want us? When we get old… What if I change What if I can’t smile anymore Will you help me smile? When we get old… What if you change What if you stop loving me Will I still love you? When we get old… What if we’re poor What if we have nothing Will we still have us? When we get old… **** My sweetheart, I love you I always will You make me smile. We will never be poor...

A Married Man

Why did she choose a married man?

“A married man?” my sister asked. “Yes, a married man.” “Why a married man?” my nosey sister asked. “The married ones are the best.” I told her. “I suppose so, they usually have some don’t they?” she persisted. “Yes, usually they do.” I replied. Sister sighed, “It’s going to be hard keeping this a secret from that husband of yours. He’ll be upset you didn’t want him.” “He’ll find out eventually. Someone will open their bi...