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6 days ago
United States



It has been another long and miserable day ferrying scrap metal and hazardous materials across the state and I am tired. I don't complain much, as it still it beats driving over the road because I am home every night. I activate the remote for the garage...

We called him Don Magill which was not his real name. Short of wearing a sign that read "Cosa Nostra" he couldn't have been more obvious, well at least to me. He was always impeccably dressed and barbered. He had a deep gravely voice with just a trace of...

Calls to the radio station

True stories of callers.

Some of the best stories I tell are courtesy of my buddies that function as on-the-air radio personalities. The ones contained here are one hundred percent true. I was visiting one buddy that was stuck on the overnight shift. I would always call the stati...

Warning: Very coarse language used in two places. One of the best jobs I held prior to my days in law enforcement was working for an armoured car company. I drove an older armoured truck that would take a tank to dent. The hours were good and the pay was...

It was a beautiful Saturday in June when I received a call from dispatch. It seems a bus driver had three youngsters on her coach that were a little too young to be on their own. The female driver had called her dispatcher who in turn dispatched me. I was...

This is a true story. It has been told many times and always gets a laugh. I even told it at her funeral as she always said that she didn't want people sitting around crying. Now it was a typical Saturday morning at our house and It had to be sometime bef...

Angel from his past.

Bobby attempts to reconnect himself with a former crush.

Darlene had barely walked into the employee entrance door when she was grabbed by the arm by Gina, her friend, and co-worker."Dar, that guy that was asking about you last week is back," she announced excitedly.Darlene continued to head to her locker to ge...

Despite being a city born and raised child, I have always loved horses. Maybe it was all the adventures of The Lone Ranger, Roy Rodgers, and Zorro that I watched that had this effect on me. Anyway, I have always loved horses and looked forward to the day...