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At The Restaurant.

A true story my brother tells.

Now the story goes that my middle brother Tom was treating our youngest one, Fred, to lunch at our favorite twenty-four restaurant. He had heard us talk about it and was excited to visit the place that we frequented. Now despite it being the end of the lunch rush, it was still crowded when they arrived, but a booth was located and cleaned as they waited. As they were escorted to their seats, they passed the booth occupied...

We called him Don Magill which was not his real name. Short of wearing a sign that read "Cosa Nostra" he couldn't have been more obvious, well at least to me. He was always impeccably dressed and barbered. He had a deep gravely voice with just a trace of an Italian accent. His car was a long black Caddilac. He held court every afternoon at one of the local twenty four hour restaurants. If you saw him at a table you couldn...

Long before I was sworn in a full-time police officer, I spent many years as a security officer. Now security officers or rent-a-cops don't hold a real high slot in the hierarchy of law enforcement due to a variety of reasons. Most of the time they are just warm bodies in blue uniforms. They receive no formalized training. And usually, it's a company supervisor that instructs new hires in their duties. They carry no baton...

Gidealis Enigma Chapter 47

Not in vain did Verba transfigurate to be of service to Zumi, but what do they want from Demi?

Chapter 47 A Rescue or a Trap? A destroyer flies out of the sky, and sees us before we can hide. A ball of fire is already above us, advancing quickly. All I think about is that I can’t take a direct hit by that thing, whether I’m equipped by an energy-absorbing parasite, or not… Last time it hit me I was at least inside of a ship. But there is no time to ponder this. I push Zumi to the ground and fall on him, ordering my...

Following school the next day Vince headed to the library and began his research. A friendly aged librarian named Abernathy was so thrilled that this young man was more interested in the city history than hanging out with his friends that he was more than willing to assist. The cemetery had been owned by a small company that had gone out of business many years ago. A large sum of money had been paid to the city to purchas...

Gidealis Enigma Chapter 23

Demi and Kallitris save Relemill, but trouble is brewing on Kallitris's home planet

Chapter 23 Never to let go “Here.” Kallitris points to the bin nearby. I throw the carrot into the bin and the guard, finding nothing suspicious, looks away. We’re almost to the middle of the field now. The tired and overworked people around pay no attention to us. But I still can’t see Relemill. Suddenly a man, bending to pick a carrot right by me falls to the ground. “It’s him!” Sheirer runs to the man, who looks very o...