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United States



As requested Texas Jack and his shotgun collected Miss Holly and her brace of luggage around Noon and then drove non-stop until they reached the Wells Fargo station. They hitched a team of fresh horses and then continued on until they reached their destin...

Angry Horse waited until the celebration that always followed a successful hunt ended before he crept out of the village. The lookouts would see him leave but that was not a concern. These young men had not yet passed the rites of manhood so they dared no...

In the Cemetery. Part 7

Vince is attacked and rescued by a ghost

His attackers laughed as they went through his wallet and when they found it contained less than ten dollars they became angry and looked around for Vince. "Maybe the faggot keeps his money his shoe," one stated. "Lets find out, I think he crawled that wa...

Two weeks later he sat in the office of the most prestigious and knowledgeable coin collectors in the state. It took almost three hours to reach this destination using public transportation. The man masked his surprise at meeting a teenager and not a fell...

In the Cemetery.Chapter 12. The conclusion

Vince is reunited with Alexandra.

Vince was now in his 90's. He looked about twenty years younger thanks to a full head of white hair and a vigorous exercise program that he had adopted as a young adult and so he was in reasonable good health for his age. The discovery of the chest of jew...