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Visitation Stories


Vince stood up on shaky legs and shook his head trying to clear it. Had he triggered another booby trap? It wouldn't surprise him. How long was he out? The powerful work lights were very dim and that meant that "Buddy's" battery was low so he switched them off and dug out his flashlight and peered into the stone box. The box was empty save for a few pieces of jewelry.Was this a joke? All that labor for an empty box? Vince...

In the Cemetery, Part 10

The Prom and afterwards.

When Lorelei got home she told her Mom that she had been asked to the prom and that she accepted. Her Mom was very surprised as her daughter had made it clear that she was going alone. 'This young man must be very special person,' her Mother thought to herself. That night as Lorelei had a dream and she knew she was dreaming because she found herself in the cemetery. She walked toward the cottage when the lady she had seen...

The Strange White man Part 2

Chief Puma tells Red Owl about the visit

A new day dawned and the village came to life. Everyone had a task to perform and they fell to it. The scouts returned and informed the Chief that the buffalo herd was heading this way, and that was good news indeed. Then after a meagre breakfast the Chief went in search of his friend Red Owl, he was found in his tepee. The Chief sat and faced his friend and spoke to him in low tones. "What now passes between us must not...