TheGreatValette 11 Nov 2015 The Waning Gold of Autumn She holds the waningGold of AutumnAlways in her iris',Illuminating cold grey landscapesWith her tiger eyes,Long after the colored leaves have gone.
TheGreatValette 24 Sep 2015 Courage In a World Full of Darkness He had drenched himself in the blood of evil men, for her. The darkness had come for her with determinationand he had destroyed it without mercy and without question.He had drenched himself in the blood of evil men, for her. ……… We could make a good life here, Hezekiah thought as he sipped his morning tea on the veranda of the Old Dutch Mission. An early morning rain was smashing against the tin roof, and the sound brought a deep peace from a source Hez could not pinpoint, but he...
TheGreatValette 22 Sep 2015 Every Step a Thought of You: Poems from my Travels in China Two months ago I spent 31 days backpacking China. I didn’t write much on my adventure, but here are the poems I wrote on the trains or in the mountains. A Sun Kissed Phoenix From Dali She stood in the aisle, Sun kissed through the windows of the train, Like Zhou Yu’s ghost. She stood as though She wanted my eyes upon her, She smiled as though She knew they were. She looked left and right and back But she wouldn’t look my...
TheGreatValette 22 Sep 2015 An Earthy Consummation of the Love in My Heart Adderall sunshine lights me upBefore a swift northeastern wind Cools me under black clouds. Aqua stains old poems When Bedouin rain drops Descend upon us from the dune like cumulus. The dust and sweat of China Wash down from the bill of my hat Mixing in with the Georgia red Like some earthy consummation of the love in my heart for both. Cold curtains wrap around me Sending a shiver through me. I was caught up in a poem Wh...
TheGreatValette 30 Jun 2015 There Are Two Kinds of Evil Men There are two kinds of evil men,There are two kinds of men,There are the evil men who think they are doing good,And there are the evil men who know they are doing evil.I am Cain who killed Abel.
TheGreatValette 8 May 2015 Tectonic Dancer She's shifting the bedrockShe's dancing tectonicAnd now I am drowningIn the delugeStruggling to get to the surfaceFighting through the debris of my heart.
TheGreatValette 8 May 2015 For Bird Written for my first muse all those years ago. All I am to youIs flattery.All I amIs words.A shiny mirrorWhich shouts your beauty.
TheGreatValette 4 May 2015 The Phantom Worlds of Sleep They all have similarity in simplicity, My dreams about women – few and far between. I’ve only dreamed about a handful in all my life. Always short – always warm, My head in her lap, My tears in her belly button, Soft kisses on my face in hallways Or houses I’ve never seen Or beaches under golden suns. I know what I want When she visits me in dreams. I always dream these dreams in the early morning, They always grace me u...
TheGreatValette 4 May 2015 Sacremental Acts An afternoon beer in the showerThe written prayers of a Serbian bishop Eating Mexican food alone at the market Chopsticks and noodles A prayer beneath a canopy of trees Contemplating a woman’s lips Contemplating her kiss Waking to the rain on your window Writing a poem for a black widow These are the sacramental acts For the simple and holy essence of your life.
TheGreatValette 4 May 2015 Injustice Justice is the lifeblood of society.It runs and fightsAnd bleeds through my veins.Justice is the highest calling of good men.A man who cares not for justice is not a man but a beast.I am also for truth.I distrust the justice of this worldI'm skeptical of anything people tell me"Look at this injustice! look here and here and here"Everyone echoes everyone.People cry out when one man is killed by the state,And it's right tha...
TheGreatValette 3 May 2015 A Chariot of Wind and Fire When I am in isolationDeep in the woods,I am not alone.I think of the cavesAnd canyons and riversThat Elijah sat in,Just him and God,Talking back and forth.What kind of friendship did they formIn those desolate hoursThat made God sweep himOff the face of the EarthIn a chariot of wind and fire.
TheGreatValette 3 May 2015 Flight of the Caterpillar The caterpillar,Who spends half of its lifeBound to the ground,Or clinging to a leaf,Spins a cocoon and falls asleep,But who, can you tell me,When it emerges with its beautiful wings,Teaches it to fly?
TheGreatValette 3 May 2015 This Violence What place has gentlenessIn a world like this?What place has innocence?If you find it don't tell me.Don't tell anyoneKeep it a secret.For I live in a worldThat only knows violenceAnd I suspect deep downThis violence infects me too.