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Abortion Stories


Justice is the lifeblood of society.It runs and fightsAnd bleeds through my veins.Justice is the highest calling of good men.A man who cares not for justice is not a man but a beast.I am also for truth.I distrust the justice of this worldI'm skeptical of anything people tell me"Look at this injustice! look here and here and here"Everyone echoes everyone.People cry out when one man is killed by the state,And it's right tha...

Why is the sky so silent

Thou shall not kill

Why is the sky so silent.Clouds hang around likejunkies. The sun, floatingmountebank,hidesslyly, and isas clever as helooks. On a black branchsits a crow, its ragged feathers aninsult todecorum. He pretends topreen, but gets on with his real business, the old amoral spy.We won’t find meaninghere, in this devil’s back-yard. One of the higherbranches lifts its bonyfingers in benediction or a curse,mockery of this alreadybur...

Cold Mother

The darkness of regret

She sits alone in the turgiddarkness, her swollen breastsfull as a gourd, empty assin; missing his boneless gums. She weeps, but no tearscome; she is dry as tumble-weed. Herbelly opens like a Venus fly-trap tocapture one of those wrinkled little bodies, but there is no goingback. The darkness has takenhim.The mirror throws back a cowering dwarf, leering and grim. Her face peekstimidly from behind hishump. She can think of...

(1/14/13) the unborn child still in the womb hoping to come out real soon it senses its mother is thinking to abort then its existence would have been much too short. it tries to scream to its mother: I know that I'm not fully developed and that you can not see how beautiful with me your life will be. I can not understand as why a gift from God you would want to end is this becoming the latest trend? you have yet to see m...