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Injustice Stories


Justice is the lifeblood of society.It runs and fightsAnd bleeds through my veins.Justice is the highest calling of good men.A man who cares not for justice is not a man but a beast.I am also for truth.I distrust the justice of this worldI'm skeptical of anything people tell me"Look at this injustice! look here and here and here"Everyone echoes everyone.People cry out when one man is killed by the state,And it's right tha...

Mario Dean’s Death causing a revolution

You have to know about the coditions in Jamaica to understand this poem and what is really about

I could not believe when I heard it on the news That you were locked up for a spliff, A misdemeanor Before your mother could bail you Emergency She found you beaten, unblemished left in a coma. The message that is been sent by the authorities Not that I condone breaking the law However do not be caught smoking or in possession Of Marijuana A God made herb However, you can smoke in the confinements of home a cigarette Whic...

In Praise of Mr Watts

The pen is mightier than the sword... and so is the brush.

I see a tragedy before me. I see the result of injustice and bigotry. I see a woman who had the heavy weight of sin placed on her shoulders, a sin considered so great there could be no forgiveness.How could this young woman ever hope to carry such a burden? There was no soul on earth willing to help her, no one to turn to except her God in heaven.So she went to meet with her God, to let him be her judge and salvation. She...

I'll Never Understand

I like the sentiments, but not sure I'm real crazy about the way it came out...

The one thing I will never understand,Is man's inhumanity to his fellow man,How people who call each other sister and brother,Could be so hurtful to one and other,How people can treat each other so mean,Without understanding where they've been,Who would lead each other into war,Choosing to be the problem, not the cure,Who have the power to guide another man's fate,With hidden agendas mixed with hate,Who think nothing of c...