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The Gingerbread House Caper

Fairy-tales, in the Jack Vine case books

From The Files  Of Jack And The Giant Private Investigators Case 17: The Gingerbread House Caper Beep! Beep! Beep! My eyes opened grudgingly to the sound of the annoying alarm clock. It was one of those windup ones manufactured in China by cheap labor ear...

Baseball Or Blasphemy

Not sure what to say on this one as it is what it is.

Baseball Or Blasphemy Wandering souls in the gloom of the dawn, Seeking diamonds, yet they are gone. Cry a warm tear from velvety eyes, Broken hearts and sadness and shadowy lies. Titans tame time, in a rusting can. Giants sorrow, looking out for the man....

Dance Of The Daisies

A revised version of an earlier work.

Dance of the Daisies Golden sunlight touches the ground, A new day dawns, for all around. I see the dew glisten, off blades of grass, A morning’s kiss of nature’s mass The birds, they chirp, and sing all day, Then skyward, they fly away. The sounds of joy...

Watch The Spider I watch you creep across the floor, Little spider, I see. You, who's world is under my bed; Are you truly free? Spin your web, a net of silk, Beware all it will snare. From errant fly, or maybe moth, Do you even care? You, I watch and pon...

A Cracked Case Solved

A Rocci Raccoon rhyme.

A Cracked Case Solved (A Rocci Raccoon File) Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall, But was his fall an accident at all? It was said in hushed whispers, there was something that stunk, But that turned out to be Pepe La Pew; La Pew was a skunk. A howl too was he...

Doctor Frank And The Monster

Victor Von Frankenstein wasn't expecting this.

“It is alive! It is alive! God help me, it is alive! Ah, ha, ha, ha.” “Uh, pardon me doc but a moment of your time please.” Victor Von Frankenstein, infamous doctor and locally known mad scientist; having been in the midst of a moment of self triumph quic...

The Little Bird That Could

I thought I'd share this story as Dreamcatcher did with his wonderful Thrice Mice.

A strange thing happened today. While I was responding to a nice comment on one of my poems, I heard a thump on the window of my bedroom. Curiously I got out of bed and looked out. What I saw on the ground was the body of an adolescent Cardinal. I realize...

Pieces Of Eight

Just a fun pirate rhyme

Gold and silver be our plunder, Fit for kings, by shore and thunder. Weigh the anchor, we sail, mates, In search of treasure and pieces of eight. From Demon’s Gate, and beyond its bay, Two pillars like horns, that points the way. Head south by west as the...

Valentine Girl

Valentine girls

Here’s a little ditty about a Valentine girl. With flowing red hair and skin like pearl. Her eyes, baby blue, with a freckled nose, She was one hot tart, as a fantasy girl goes. When she looked at me, my jaw hit the floor. In this game we call love she kn...

My Mountain

A zen kind of thing

Breathe in deeply, the mountain’s air. My worries captured in the spider’s snare. The air, clean and cool; the grass covered in dew. The new rising sun, framed in a blue hue. I hear not a sound, for all are quiet. A contrast of the city, with its chaotic...

Stupid Is As stupid Does

An experience that may teach a lesson

I witnessed stupidity today, although some would have me use a nicer name. It was with a group of three youths from the college nearby talking at a local fast food chain. Each, I saw, were well dressed in somewhat expensive clothing, right down to the sho...

Mary's Lost Little Lamb

Jack Vine of Jack and the beanstalk is all grown up and a PI at that.

From The Files Of Jack And The Giant Private Investigators Case 12: Mary’s lost little lamb “Mary had a little lamb; its fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went that lamb was sure to go.” Now we've all heard this nursery rhyme before, but...

I once thought I was a poor man, With barely enough to eat. The roof above my head it leaked, A dirty floor beneath my feet. One day I went out on a walkabout, I walked all around the town. I saw how others were living. Let me say, it was quite profound....

Captain Ahab’s Curse (Retold by Ishmael) Moby Ho! I seeks thy soul, Great white whale I see. Of me leg, 'tis a wooden peg, Me wrath I spit at thee.'Tis time ta dance, and take me stance, For I gives the Devil his due. Ta gets me chance, and cast me lance,...