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Valentine Stories


For who is Love? My heart knows not, I write to you to plea; Dear Love, I want to meet you now, Please grace my life with thee.   You see, I fell for Lust's disguise, and Lonely tricked me too; A fevered kiss was not enough, For nothing found was you.   I quiver when his hand holds hers, love's in his gentle kiss; He whispers you with chosen words, I ache to feel her bliss.   I bought a pillow with your name, A cup and sa...


Leap of Faith

Just another Valentine's Day

For a second or two after waking, she was lulled by the atavistic relief that comes from surviving another night. Then Faith remembered what day it was, and reality shouldered aside her absurd peace of mind. Resigned to her destiny, she reluctantly abandoned the warm bed. Despite her disquiet she took special pains with her ablutions, carefully shaving her legs and underarms, even neatly trimming her pubic hair. While her...


A Mate To My Soul

A poem written long ago that I share with you today. Originally written as a song.

Look, I know you are someone else’s Valentine For the rest of the year, can I imagine you are mine?  We both decided, we will try and fight it Scared to risk it, but just as scared to miss it We’ll be pretending we’re fine – hoping we will be in time.  Midnight belongs to us, an ending and beginning all at once I miss your voice, your imagination Wishing we had another choice and no limitation.  The change in the seasons...

Valentine Girl

Valentine girls

Here’s a little ditty about a Valentine girl. With flowing red hair and skin like pearl. Her eyes, baby blue, with a freckled nose, She was one hot tart, as a fantasy girl goes. When she looked at me, my jaw hit the floor. In this game we call love she knew the score. I sucked in my gut and tried to look cool. Who was I kidding, for I felt like a fool. Still, I decided to give it a go. I mean what’s the worst that can hap...


You never know what you might find once you're no longer searching...

Note from the Author This book was written as a Valentine’s Day gift to all of my readers as proof that romance is still alive in our hearts. Thank you for your support. Please note that the songs in here are pretty darn awful - mostly because they are intended to be that way and likely also because it's my first attempt at writing romance.  *** The bar was packed to capacity, revellers jostling for space as the band star...