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Over 90 days ago
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A Willing Prisoner Of Love I am your prisoner, as sure as there's love. Bound in a cage like a single white dove. To spread my wings with no place to fly; Will you set me free or watch me die. With a tear in your eye and sadness in your heart, You release...

The Farmer And The Troll

A take off on the Jack and Jill rhyme

From The Files Of Jack Vine A Jack And The Giant P I Case File The Farmer And The Troll “Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water; Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after.” It was Monday and I had just settled down a...

Bath Time

Bath time fun

I went into the bathroom, And jumped into the tub. I filled it up with hot water, Then added my rubber sub. To make it kind of interesting, I added bubbly soap. I imagined the bubbles were icebergs, At least that’s what I hoped. When all was set with my w...

18 Lines Of The Common Cold

A funny rhyme on the common cold

A stomachache, runny nose and a pounding head. A sneeze and a wheeze, I wished I were dead. My forehead felt so red and so hot. They say it's a bug, that's what I have got. To bed I did go, with covers pulled up. Mom’s hot chicken soup, filling up my cup....

Two Irish Poems Of Lore

A poem of Irish lore and love.

An Irish Poem 1 (I used two different stones so there are 2 poems) I have walked among the wee folk, merrily and with smile. Dazzled by the greenest eyes, of which I was beguiled. She, of lore, with lips of cherry; kissed me once to make me merrier. I kis...

The Great Muffet Caper

Jack Vine PI cases

From The Files Of Jack Vine A Jack And The Giant P I Case File The Great Muffet Caper “Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet eating her curds and whey. When along came a spider who sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away.” I’m Jack, I’m a priva...

From The Files Of Jack Vine A Jack And The Giant P I Case File Case Of The Missing Candlestick Maker “Jack be nimble Jack be quick, Jack jumped over the candle stick.” It had been a couple months since Tiny and me cracked the caper of The Lost Little Lamb...

Gator Tales

A short story on friendship.

My name is Kodi, Kodi Gator. My dad tells me I’m a junior, but being's his name is Big Mike, I’m pretty sure it’s just a thing with him. Maybe someday I’ll look into that, but not today. Today, you see, is my birthday, and I finally get to go off on my ow...

A Wino's Parady

Just something that popped into my head one night

A Wino's Parody Wyndham and wine; whirlybird wings. Capped in the clouds; Giant Frost Kings. Swords of bronze, tipped with tears. Gangsters in time, Spinster, Minster, and fears. Dream world obscured, confusing in drink. I can not wake up; nose pickled an...

A Good Knight's Sleep

A poem I did for a friend

(For Astarte) There’s a sweet girl I know With woefully foes Her fears she does keep in a dream Of this I can see Of that it shall be To see her sad eyes turn to gleam The woes are her foes With red hair and a nose That we would all know as a clown Her fe...

Me Tale Song

It is a sea song

I be a ruthless pirate, I sings me a jolly good rhyme. In every port and bar I go, I haves me a bloody good time, On the sea I be bad, At least I pretends ta be. Yet, instead of this tankard of swill I drink, I’d rather have a spot of tea. I be known as B...

An old man is wandering the path of his life Remembering his lovers lost in the past In his youth he was brash, in his youth he was bold A cocky young man, but that did not last He hears the call of the nightingale, its song is so sweet Would she draw him...

Lollipop, Lollipop

A memory from the past, present, and probably future.

Lollipop, Lollipop Lollipop, lollipop, sucker so sweet. Two do I have, I shall share with friend Pete. Sitting in the park, under the trees. Licking and sucking, never seeing the bees. With a buzz, buzz, buzz, we noticed the sound. Lifting our heads, we l...

A Dear Jane Letter

Breaking up can be very sad

(For Lady Jane) “Dear (Jane)…”, to my horror were the first words I read. It was the line that hit hardest, my heart it did dread. “I love you so much”, it went on to lie, The hurt magnified, I wished I would die. On I read, while the room spun around, My...

A Halloween Bash

A monster party on Halloween; what more can I say.

Jack was nimble, Jack was quick, Jack O’lantern was looking quite slick. With a pumpkin head lit by candle light, He’s the coolest dude on Halloween night. His date, I see, is Wendy the witch, An interesting pair, like Lelo and stitch. To a party they all...